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For the dagger, see Inv weapon shortblade 08 [Nethershard].
Inv datacrystal01
  • Nethershard
  • A fragment of crystalized nether brought to Azeroth by the Legion. Demon hunters of the Illidari would be interested in these shards.

Nethershard is a currency used to purchase items sold by the Captive Wyrmtongue at Illidari camps in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and Legion Invasion sites, as well as several vendors on the Broken Shore.

Specifically, they are crystalized fragments of residual nether energy, a solidified form of the Twisting Nether itself.[1]


The currency may be accrued in a number of ways.

  • Complete certain world quests in a Broken Isles zone while it is under attack from Burning Legion forces.
  • Complete one-time Broken Shore quests.
  • Kill demonic mobs in Broken Shore.
  • Loot treasure chests in Broken Shore.
Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.3.0.


Legion Invasions
The subject of this article or section was part of Legion Invasions, a world event that heralded the beginning of the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth prior to Legion.

Nethershards dropped from the Legion commanders, barracks commanders and their command crystals during Stage 3 of Legion Invasions. They were also contained in stacks of five and ten from Garrison silverchest [Small Legion Chest] and Inv treasurechest felfirecitadel [Large Legion Chest], respectively.

While Nethershards did drop for players below level 98, only the Inv batpet [Felbat Pup] was available for them to purchase.

Currency for[]

Captive Wyrmtongue
<Reluctant 'Quartermaster'>
Item Cost Type
Inv batpet [Felbat Pup] 150 Nethershard Pet
Inv ore feliron nugget [Coalesced Fel] 150 Nethershard Item upgrade
Inv cloth draenorcrafted d 01helm [Ensemble: Fel-Infused Cloth Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv helm leather draenorcrafted d 01 alliance [Ensemble: Felshroud Leather Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv helm mail draenorcrafted d 01 alliance [Ensemble: Fel-Chain Mail Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv plate draenorcrafted d 01helm [Ensemble: Felforged Plate Armor] 200 Nethershard Appearance
Inv cape vrykulhunter b 01 [Demon Commander's Drape] 50 Nethershard Back
Item icecrownnecklaced [Infernal Cord] 50 Nethershard Neck
Inv 6 0raid necklace 4d [Legionnaire's Fel Pendant] 50 Nethershard Neck
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Nether Twisted Band] 50 Nethershard Finger
Inv jewelry ring 92 [Legion Bound Ring] 50 Nethershard Finger
Inv misc bone 03 [Felstalker Spine] 50 Nethershard Trinket
Inv misc gem lionseye 01 [Inquisitor's Talisman] 50 Nethershard Trinket
Inv misc ahnqirajtrinket 03 [Mo'arg Clan Token] 50 Nethershard Trinket
Inv glaive 1h npc c 01 [Glaive of the Fallen] 100 Nethershard Warglaive
Treasure Master Iks'reeged
Item Cost Type
Inv misc key 11 [Wyrmtongue's Cache Key] 2000 Nethershard Key
Inv jewelcrafting taladiterecrystal [Chipped Demonic Key Stone] 7500 Nethershard Usable
Trade alchemy dpotion a24 [Lingering Wyrmtongue Essence] 50000 Nethershard Usable
Warmage Kath'leen
<Legionfall Artificer>
Item Cost Type
Inv alchemy 71 potion4 [Nethershard Essence] 8000 Nethershard Reagent
Spell warlock demonicportal purple [Nether Portal Disruptor] 250 Nethershard Usable
Achievement faction legionfall [Legionfall Banner] 4000 Nethershard Usable
Spell priest voidsear [Cauterizing Void Shard] 5000 Nethershard Usable
Inv rod enchantedfelsteel [Repurposed Fel Focuser] 7500 Nethershard Enhancement
Spell warlock demonicportal green [Legion Pocket Portal] 7500 Nethershard Toy
Inv tabard a 92legionfall [Legionfall Tabard] 10000 Nethershard Shirt
Ability felarakkoa focusedblast [Legion Invasion Simulator] 25000 Nethershard Toy
Inv helmet 187v1 [Dauntless Hood] 400 Nethershard Head
Inv shoulder 141 [Dauntless Spaulders] 400 Nethershard Shoulder
Inv chest mail 10 [Dauntless Tunic] 400 Nethershard Chest
Inv pants leather 29a [Dauntless Leggings] 400 Nethershard Legs
Inv belt 89 [Dauntless Girdle] 400 Nethershard Waist
Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01glove [Dauntless Gauntlets] 400 Nethershard Hands
Inv boots leather 03b [Dauntless Treads] 400 Nethershard Feet
Inv bracer plate twilighthammer c 01 [Dauntless Bracers] 400 Nethershard Wrist
Inv cape draenorraid c 01 green [Dauntless Cloak] 400 Nethershard Back
Inv 7 0raid necklace 09b [Dauntless Choker] 400 Nethershard Neck
Inv 70 quest ring9a [Dauntless Ring] 400 Nethershard Finger
Inv 6 2raid trinket 3a [Dauntless Trinket] 400 Nethershard Trinket
Inv chest plate dungeonplate c 04 [Relinquished Armor Set] 400 Nethershard Usable
Inv hammer 1h silverhand b 01 [Arsenal: Armaments of the Silver Hand] 1000 Nethershard Appearance
Inv sword 2h ebonblade b 01 green [Arsenal: Armaments of the Ebon Blade] 2000 Nethershard Appearance
Inv scroll 03 [Technique: Glyph of Wrathguard] 2500 Nethershard Recipe
Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.3.0.
Thaumaturge Vashreen
<Purveyor of Exquisite Furnishings>
Item Cost Type
Inv qirajidol night [Relinquished Relic] 5000 Nethershard Relic
Inv 6 2raid trinket 3a [Relinquished Trinket] 5000 Nethershard Trinket
Inv helmet 187v1 [Relinquished Hood] 5000 Nethershard Head
Inv chest mail 10 [Relinquished Chestguard] 5000 Nethershard Chest
Inv pants leather 29a [Relinquished Leggings] 5000 Nethershard Legs
Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01glove [Relinquished Gauntlets] 5000 Nethershard Hands
Inv shoulder 141 [Relinquished Spaulders] 5000 Nethershard Shoulder
Inv belt 89 [Relinquished Girdle] 5000 Nethershard Waist
Inv boots leather 03b [Relinquished Treads] 5000 Nethershard Feet
Inv bracer plate twilighthammer c 01 [Relinquished Bracers] 5000 Nethershard Wrist
Inv cape draenorraid c 01 green [Relinquished Cloak] 5000 Nethershard Back
Inv 7 0raid necklace 09b [Relinquished Necklace] 5000 Nethershard Neck
Inv 70 quest ring9a [Relinquished Ring] 5000 Nethershard Finger

Patch changes[]

  • Legion Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): New tooltip, cap removed, new loot sources, and new vendors in Broken Shore.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-12): Barracks leaders and their command crystals should now also drop Nethershards.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-08-09): Powerful Legion Commanders in Legion Invasions may now drop Nethershards; the number of Nethershards awarded upon completion of individual Stages has been slightly reduced to compensate.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.


  1. ^ N [45] Shard Times

External links[]
