The following NPCs can be found in Netherstorm.
Agent Araxes <The Protectorate>
[25-30] The Flesh Lies...
Agent Ya-six <The Protectorate>
[25-30] Arconus the Insatiable
Anchorite Karja
[25-30] Assisting the Consortium
[25-30] Naaru Technology
[25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge B'naar
[25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu
[25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Duro
[25-30G3] Shutting Down Manaforge Ara (Group)
[25-30G] Socrethar's Shadow (Group)
[25-30] Ishanah's Help
Apprentice Andrethan
[25-30] Indispensable Tools
[25-30] Master Smith Rhonsus
Archmage Vargoth <Kirin Tor>
[25-30] Finding the Keymaster (Group)
[25-30D] Capturing the Keystone (Dungeon)
Audi the Needle
[25-30] Retrieving the Goods
Aurine Moonblaze <Cenarion Expedition>
[25-30] Flora of the Eco-Domes
[25-30] Creatures of the Eco-Domes
[25-30] When Nature Goes Too Far
B'naar Control Console
[25-30] B'naar Console Transcription
[Belmara's Tome]
[25-30] Abjurist Belmara
Bessy <Thadell's Price Cow>
[25-30] When the Cows Come Home (Group)
Boots <B.O.O.M. Master Mixologist>
[25-30] Securing the Shaleskin Shale
[25-30] That Little Extra Kick
Bot-Specialist Alley <B.O.O.M.>
[25-30] Recharging the Batteries
Caledis Brightdawn
[25-30] A Convincing Disguise
[25-30] Information Gathering
[25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Coruu
[25-30] Return to Thalodien
Captured Protectorate Vanguard
[25-30] Escape from the Staging Grounds
Chief Engineer Trep <B.O.O.M. Engineering>
[25-30] Essence for the Engines
[25-30] Elemental Power Extraction
[Cohlien's Cap]
[25-30] Cohlien Frostweaver
Commander Ameer <The Protectorate>
[25-30] The Ethereum
[25-30] A Mission of Mercy
[25-30G] Ethereum Secrets
[25-30] Ethereum Prisoner I.D. Catalogue (Repeatable)
Custodian Dieworth <Keeper of Kirin'Var>
[25-30] A Fate Worse Than Death
[25-30] Malevolent Remnants
[25-30] The Sunfury Garrison
[25-30] Down With Daellis
[25-30] The Annals of Kirin'Var
[25-30] Searching for Evidence
[25-30] A Lingering Suspicion
[25-30] Capturing the Phylactery
[25-30] Destroy Naberius! (Group)
[Dathric's Blade]
[25-30] Battle-Mage Dathric
Dealer Hazzin <General Goods>
[25-30] Triangulation Point Two
Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T. <B.O.O.M. Experimentalist>
[25-30] You, Robot (Group)
[25-30] Back to the Chief!
[25-30G] Sabotage the Warp-Gate! (Group)
Exarch Orelis
[25-30] Distraction at Manaforge B'naar
[25-30] Measuring Warp Energies
[25-30] Attack on Manaforge Coruu
[25-30] Sunfury Briefings
[25-30] Outside Assistance
Flesh Handler Viridius
[25-30] Captain Tyralius
Foreman Sundown
[25-30] Dealing with the Overmaster
[25-30] Rightful Repossession
[25-30] Drijya Needs Your Help
[25-30] An Audience with the Prince
Ghabar <Head Eco-Dome Engineer>
[25-30] Diagnosis: Critical
[25-30] Testing the Prototype
Image of Archmage Vargoth
[25-30] The Sigil of Krasus
[25-30] Krasus's Compendium
[25-30] Unlocking the Compendium
[25-30] Summoner Kanthin's Prize
[25-30] Ar'kelos the Guardian
Image of Commander Ameer <The Protectorate>
[25-30] Ethereum Data
[70] Potential for Brain Damage = High
[25-30] S-A-B-O-T-A-G-E
[25-30] Delivering the Message
[25-30G5] Nexus-King Salhadaar (Group)
Image of Nexus-Prince Haramad
[25-30] Triangulation Point One
[25-30] Special Delivery to Shattrath City
Image of Wind Trader Marid
[25-30] Getting Down to Business
Inactive Fel Reaver
[25-30] Nether Gas In a Fel Fire Engine
[25-30] A Dark Pact
[25-30] Aldor No More
Lead Sapper Blastfizzle <B.O.O.M. Sap Foreman>
[25-30] Dr. Boom!
Lieutenant-Sorcerer Morran
[25-30] The Unending Invasion
[25-30] Potential Energy Source
[25-30] Torching Sunfury Hold
[25-30] Building a Perimeter
[Luminrath's Mantle]
[25-30] Conjurer Luminrath
Magister Theledorn
[25-30] Damning Evidence
Magistrix Larynna
[25-30] Bloodgem Crystals
[25-30] Kick Them While They're Down
[25-30] A Defector
Mama Wheeler <B.O.O.M. Mech Tech>
[25-30] One Demon's Trash...
[25-30] Declawing Doomclaw
[25-30] Warn Area 52!
Maxx A. Million Mk. V
[25-30G2] Mark V is Alive! (Group)
[25-30] Run a Diagnostic!
[25-30] New Opportunities
[25-30] Deal With the Saboteurs
[25-30] To the Stormspire
N. D. Meancamp <B.O.O.M. Salvage>
[25-30G] It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart (Group)
Necromantic Focus
[25-30] A Lingering Suspicion
Nether-Stalker Khay'ji
[25-30] Consortium Crystal Collection
[25-30] A Heap of Ethereals
[25-30] Another Heap of Ethereals (Repeatable)
[25-30] Warp-Raider Nesaad
[25-30] Request for Assistance
Nether-Stalker Nauthis
[25-30] Fel Reavers, No Thanks!
[25-30] The Minions of Culuthas
[25-30] The Best Defense
[25-30] Teleport This!
Nether-Stalker Oazul
[25-30] Neutralizing the Nethermancers
Netherologist Coppernickels <B.O.O.M.>
[25-30] Off To Area 52
Papa Wheeler <B.O.O.M. Mech Tech>
[25-30] Pick Your Part
[25-30] In A Scrap With The Legion
[25-30] Help Mama Wheeler
Professor Dabiri
[25-30] Recipe for Destruction
[25-30] On Nethery Wings
[25-30G5] Dimensius the All-Devouring (Group)
Protectorate Advisor Rahim <The Protectorate>
[25-30] Seek Out Ameer
Ravandwyr <Kirin Tor Apprentice>
[25-30] The Archmage's Staff
[25-30] Rebuilding the Staff
[25-30] Curse of the Violet Tower
Researcher Navuud <The Protectorate>
[25-30] Electro-Shock Goodness!
Rocket-Chief Fuselage <B.O.O.M. Commander>
[25-30] You're Hired!
[25-30] Invaluable Asset Zapping
[25-30] Report to Engineering
[25-30] Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T.
Sab'aoth <Reagents and Poisons>
[25-30] Bloody Imp-ossible!
Shauly Pore
[25-30] Keeping Up Appearances
[25-30] The Dynamic Duo
Shrouded Figure
[25-30] Formal Introductions
Spymaster Thalodien
[25-30] Assisting the Consortium
[25-30] Manaforge B'naar
[25-30] High Value Targets
[25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge B'naar
[25-30] Stealth Flight
[25-30] Shutting Down Manaforge Duro
[25-30G3] Shutting Down Manaforge Ara (Group)
[25-30G2] A Gift for Voren'thal (Group)
[25-30] Bound for Glory
[25-30] All Clear!
[25-30] Success!
[25-30] Needs More Cowbell
[25-30] A Promising Start
[25-30] Troublesome Distractions
[25-30G] Securing the Celestial Ridge (Group)
[25-30] Behind Enemy Lines
Wanted Poster
[25-30G] Breaking Down Netherock
[25-30G2] WANTED: Annihilator Servo!
Wind Trader Marid
[25-30] A Not-So-Modest Proposal
Wind Trader Tuluman <Weapon Merchant>
[25-30] Dealing with the Foreman
[25-30G] Full Triangle (Group)
[25-30] Surveying the Ruins
Zuben Elgenubi
[25-30] In Search of Farahlite (Group)
[25-30] Hitting the Motherlode (Group)
Class Trainers[]
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers[]
Apprentice Andrethan (Blacksmithing Supplies)
Big Zokk Torquewrench <Conquest Quartermaster>
Boots <B.O.O.M. Master Mixologist>
Dash <Trade Supplies>
Dealer Aljaan <Trade Goods>
Dealer Digriz <General Goods>
Dealer Dunar <General Provisioner>
Dealer Hazzin <General Provisioner>
Dealer Jadyan <Exotic Weapons>
Dealer Malij <Enchanting Supplies>
Dealer Najeeb <Spare Parts>
Dealer Rashaad <Exotic Creatures>
Dealer Sadaqat <Potent Potables>
Dealer Senzik <Gems and Jewelcrafting>
Dealer Zijaad <Arcane Goods>
Eyonix <Innkeeper>
Gant <Food & Drink>
Grex Brainboiler <Legacy Arena Weapons>
Karaaz <Consortium Quartermaster>
Kerpow Blastwrench <Weapon Merchant>
Kezzik the Striker <Glorious Conquest Quartermaster>
Kizzie <General Supplies>
Krixel Pinchwhistle <Legacy Arena Armor>
Leeni "Smiley" Smalls <Honor Quartermaster>
Qiff <Engineering Supplies>
Sab'aoth <Reagents and Poisons>
Wind Trader Tuluman <Weapon Merchant>
Various Services[]
Eyonix <Innkeeper>
Grennik <Flight Master>
Harpax <Flight Master>
Innkeeper Remi Dodoso <Innkeeper>
Karzo <Banker>
Krexcil <Flight Master>
Nandirx <Banker>
Pulik Swiftsnip <Barber>
Zixxy <Banker>
Other Notable NPCs[]
Action Jaxon
Adyen the Lightwarden
Bill <B.O.O.M. Fire Marshal>
Captain Saeed
Chubis <B.O.O.M. Jr. Mech Tech>
Crash Bigbomb <B.O.O.M. Sap Operations>
Doc <B.O.O.M.>
Image of Agent Ya-six <The Protectorate>
Image of Commander Sarannis
Jorad Mace
Kablamm Farflinger <Transportation Engineer>
Lariel Sunrunner
Lee Sparks <The Taskmaster>
Maxx A. Million Mk. I
Maxx A. Million Mk. II
Nova Terra
Sagan <Ravandwyr's Familiar>
Warpy <Liza's Pet>
Zuben Eschamali
Abjurist Belmara <Kirin Tor>
Ambassador Solannas <Representative of Prince Kael'thas>
Apex (Elite)
Arcanist Ardonis
Arconus the Insatiable
Avatar of Sathal
Battle-Mage Dathric <Kirin Tor>
Captain Arathyn
Captain Zovax
Chief Engineer Gork'lonn (Elite)
Chief Engineer Lorthander (Rare)
Cohlien Frostweaver <Kirin Tor>
Commander Dawnforge
Conjurer Luminrath <Kirin Tor>
Cragskaar (Elite)
Culuthas (Elite)
Dimensius the All-Devouring
Dr. Boom
Ekkorash the Inquisitor
Ever-Core the Punisher (Rare)
Forgemaster Morug (Elite)
Kaylaan the Lost (Elite)
Master Daellis Dawnstrike
Naberius (Elite)
Negatron (Elite)
Netherock (Elite)
Nexus-King Salhadaar (Elite)
Nuramoc (Rare Elite)
Overmaster Grindgarr
Overseer Athanel
Overseer Azarad
Overseer Seylanna
Overseer Theredis
Pathaleon the Calculator's Image (Elite)
Rhonsus <Master Blacksmith>
Silroth (Elite)
Socrethar (Elite)
Spellbinder Maryana
Spellreaver Marathelle
Summoner Kanthin
Veraku (Elite)
Warden Icoshock
Warp-Raider Nesaad