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  • For multiple instances: Open the last correct version (click on the date), hit edit on that page and save it with an appropriate note.
  • For a single vandalism edit: Click undo next to revision where vandalism occurred, check the change and save with note.

Don't forget to report the vandal on Wowpedia:Violations.

1 July 2023

  • curprev 17:1917:19, 1 July 2023‎ DragnogBot talk contribs‎ m 692 bytes 0‎ Wowpedia Template Generator: Updating stamina from 3 to 2. Updating agiint from 3 to 2. Updating crit from 3 to 2.

26 June 2023

  • curprev 20:2020:20, 26 June 2023‎ DragnogBot talk contribs‎ m 692 bytes 0‎ Wowpedia Template Generator: Updating stamina from 2 to 3. Updating agiint from 2 to 3. Updating versatility from 2 to 3. Updating crit from 2 to 3.

24 June 2023

18 June 2023

  • curprev 08:4808:48, 18 June 2023‎ DragnogBot talk contribs‎ m 693 bytes −5‎ Wowpedia Template Generator: Updating armor from 21 to 6. Updating stamina from 17 to 2. Updating versatility from 14 to 2. Updating crit from 10 to 2. Updating level from 70 to 27. Updating ilvl from 115 to 32.

14 November 2021

21 January 2018

23 October 2017

19 July 2016

3 February 2015

6 May 2013

12 September 2012

18 February 2011

10 November 2010

2 November 2010

24 October 2010

16 March 2009

1 July 2008

11 May 2008

2 March 2008

30 January 2008

25 December 2007

19 August 2007

26 July 2007

1 May 2007

28 April 2007

9 November 2006