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Inv 70 quest ring7b
  • Nilganihmaht Control Ring
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Mount
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
  • Requires Level 60
  • Requires Apprentice Riding
Hand of Nilganihmaht

Hand of Nilganihmaht

Nilganihmaht Control Ring is a crawling hand mount granted to players who return the five rings to the Hand of Nilganihmaht at [25.5, 36.8]VZ-Maw-t1Blip in the Hollow of the Insolent of The Rift in the Maw and then complete the N [60] Gotta Hand It To Ya quest.

Four rings (gold, runed, signet, and silver) can be acquired at any time. The stone ring requires the N [60B] Necrolord Assault to be active, and specifically, the N [60] Putting A Plan Together quest to be available. The runed band requires proper access to the Rift (via a Inv relics runestone [Repaired Riftkey] or a Inv misc rune 12 [Collapsing Riftstone]).


Hand of Nilganihmaht mount

As a mount

Find five rings both in the normal Maw phase and in the Rift phase:

Finger Ring Source Location
Thumb Inv misc primitive ring13 [Nilganihmaht's Stone Ring] 4x Inv stone 08 [Quartered Ancient Ring] Perdition Hold
Pointer Inv 70 dungeon ring4a [Nilganihmaht's Runed Band] Torglluun (in The Rift) [28.6, 25.1]VZ-Maw-t1Blip
Middle Inv misc ring 6 0 004 [Nilganihmaht's Gold Band] Calcis exploration [19.2, 32.3]VZ-Maw-t1Blip
Ring Inv 60pvp ring1c [Nilganihmaht's Silver Ring] Domination Sealed Chest [66.1, 57.4]VZ-Maw-t1Blip
Pinky Inv 60legendary ring1d [Nilganihmaht's Signet Ring] Exos, Herald of Domination [20.6, 69.4]VZ-Maw-t1Blip


The Inv misc primitive ring13 [Nilganihmaht's Stone Ring] requires four Inv stone 08 [Quartered Ancient Ring]s found in Perdition Hold while the N [60B] Necrolord Assault is up:

Once all four have been acquired (in any order), head to Zovaal's Cauldron and use one of the rings while standing near a Soulsteel Forge — two forges are near the Stygian Incinerator — and combine the four into Inv misc primitive ring13 [Nilganihmaht's Stone Ring].


The Inv 70 dungeon ring4a [Nilganihmaht's Runed Band] drops from Torglluun in The Rift at Ruin's Cradle where Cyrixia normally spawns. Players must use a Inv relics runestone [Repaired Riftkey] or a Inv misc rune 12 [Collapsing Riftstone] to reach the area.


The Inv misc ring 6 0 004 [Nilganihmaht's Gold Band] is sitting on a rock high above Calcis and can be accessed at any time.


The Inv 60pvp ring1c [Nilganihmaht's Silver Ring] is inside the Domination Sealed Chest in Perdition Hold. To open the chest, find four Inv archaeology 70 blackrookkey [Seal Breaker Key]s in any order:


The Inv 60legendary ring1d [Nilganihmaht's Signet Ring] drops from Exos, Herald of Domination atop the Altar of Domination in Perdition Hold. Use Inv misc stonetablet 11 [Domination's Calling] to reach the spawn platform.

Mount journal[]

Of all the giants who dared defy the Jailer, Nilganihmaht was the most arrogant. For this transgression, the giant's severed hand was hidden within a veil of torments, and the rings that could summon it back were scattered across the Maw.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

NPC Item Mount