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HordeNils Beerot
Image of Nils Beerot
Title <Psylosopher>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 7-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Eastpoint Tower, Hillsbrad Foothills
Status Active

Nils Beerot is a Forsaken "Psylosopher", who appears to holding therapy sessions with Drull and Tog'thar, apparently in trauma from their captivity at the now Forsaken-controlled Durnholde Keep. The sessions do not appear to be going too well.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

He was present during the Legion Invasions.




I am a psylosopher. What that means is that I am smarter than you. Now move along before I diagnose you.

Nils Beerot says: It has been six weeks since your release. Are you ready to have the shackles removed?
One random response from Drull:
  • Drull says: You'll be free to take it off when I die.
  • Drull says: You know, when I was first captured I hated Teddy. He dug into my skin and prevented me from moving around freely. But let me tell you something, Doc; after six years with the guy I can honestly say that I have feelings for him.
  • Drull says: Six weeks? I spent six years in Durnholde! You cannot possibly expect me to just throw aside something that has been a part of my life for so long!
  • Drull says: Can't you just see me for me, doc? Why does it always have to be about Teddy?
  • Drull says: NO, DAMN IT! For the hundredth time, NO!
One random response from Tog'thar:
  • Tog'thar says: I'm with Drull, doc. Laverne and I are happy together. Why try and separate us?
  • Tog'thar says: Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of these therapy sessions. We're fine! Just let us go.
Nils Beerot says: My official diagnosis is that you are both idiots! IDIOTS I SAY!


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