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NeutralNo Dragon Left Behind
Start Ebyssian [41.0, 59.9]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
End Sabellian [41.2, 59.8]VZ-Zaralek CavernBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Embers of Neltharion
Experience 9,500
Reputation +130 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards Inv misc volatilefire [Draconic Cauterizing Magma]
10x Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] From Hell's Heart
Next N [70] Raked Over the Coals
From Hell's Heart - after

Ebyssian speared and Sabellian wounded


Find a way to remove the spear from Ebyssian's side.

  • Pull the spear out by hand
  • Pull the spear out with more leverage
  • Let Sabellian help
  • Remove the heated spear


I... cannot move so long as this spear remains in my side. But we need to follow Fyrakk's trail.

<Ebyssian grunts sharply, his breathing labored, claws digging into the dirt.>

Remove it. I can... bear the pain it will cause.


You will receive:


He did not leave me.

I cannot leave him.


We should both be able to walk.

Fyrakk has left a trail of destruction across the cavern. We must help any harmed by him, even if we can do nothing to stop him.


On accept:

Ebyssian says: You must... remove it quickly... I need to-- to...

Interact with Ebyssian to attempt to pull the spear out by hand:

Sabellian gets to his feet.
Sabellian says: ...Ebyssian?
Ebyssian says: Sabellian, I--I am sorry...
Sabellian says: Hush. Save your strength. It is my turn to tend to your wounds.
Ebyssian says: I tried to save us but-- I hesitated.

Interact with Ebyssian again to hook a rope around the spear, then drag it 20 yards away:

Sabellian says: You cannot just... rip their spears out. The barbs... hook behind our scales.
Sabellian says: I can heat the metal to soften the spearhead. Let-- ugh. Let me gather my strength.
Ebyssian says: Sabellian, you are injured.
Sabellian says: I would give everything I have to save you, brother.

Speak with Sabellian:

Djaradin spears are crafted to hook into our scales. Removing it by force will cause untold damage, if you even succeed.
It is why I intended to use such a weapon on Fyrakk.
<Sabellian glances down at his burned arm, then at the spear in Ebyssian's side. He grimaces at himself.>
Let me help him.
Gossip Do what you can.
Sabellian says: This will hurt. But it will also cauterize the wound.
Sabellian channels a fire spell into Ebyssian's wound, heating the spear in the process.
Ebyssian says: AAGH! Ah--nnn....
Sabellian says: That... That is all I have left. It is done. Remove the spear before it cools, <name>. I have not the strength anymore.

Interact with Ebyssian one last time to finally pull the spear out of him. The spear flies out and Ebyssian returns to his visage form.


  1. N [70] Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
  2. N [70] Sight Beyond Sight
  3. N [70] Legends of the Zaqali & N [70] Know Thy Enemy
  4. N [70] Take Out the Head
  5. N [70] Consequences
  6. N [70] Battlefield Triage
  7. N [70] Rushing Quality
  8. N [70] Shut Them Down & N [70] Alliance of Convenience
  9. N [70] A Scale for a Scale
  10. N [70] From Hell's Heart
  11. N [70] No Dragon Left Behind
  12. N [70] Raked Over the Coals
  13. N [70] The Endless Burning Sky
  14. N [70] In the Wake of the Ashes

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