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HordeNo Mercy for the Captured
Start Spy Mistress Repine
End High Executor Wroth
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 20300 (or 4g 86s compensation at level 80)
Reputation 250 The Hand of Vengeance
Rewards 5g


Spy Mistress Repine has asked you to slay Deathguard Schneider, Senior Scrivener Kinnedius, Engineer Burke, and Chancellor Amai.

When you've accomplished this task, report your success to High Executor Wroth at Venomspite.

  • Deathguard Schneider slain
  • Senior Scrivener Kinnedius slain
  • Engineer Burke slain
  • Chancellor Amai slain


We have more fools for you to kill.

My agents tell me that several of our good citizens have seen fit to fall into the hands of the Scarlet Onslaught.

This will not do.

Go back to New Hearthglen and eliminate Deathguard Schneider, Senior Scrivener Kinnedius, Engineer Burke and Chancellor Amai.

From what I hear, they're spread out throughout the area. No doubt they are being kept in cages awaiting torture.

Speak with them and then kill them!


You will receive:


It's simple really. You're sent out to kill four incompetent fools that are likely to blab all of our secrets anytime now, and you go out and do it.

<The high executor puts on an unholy grin.>


What? You were expecting us to have you rescue them?

Now why would we do that when they have a proven track record of getting themselves captured in the first place?

Northrend is a cold place, young <name>. I suggest that you adjust to it.


Deathguard Schneider says: Hey, over here!
Think you could get me out of here, <class>?
Gossip I'm afraid not, Schneider. Your time has come!
Deathguard Schneider says: What do you mean my time has come?! I'll kill you where you stand!
Gossip Can you tell me where they have Chancellor Amai caged?
I think I saw them take him over by the north side of the abbey, near the archery targets.
Gossip Where is Senior Scrivener Kinnedius being held?
I think they put him in a cage over near the lumbermill.
Gossip Did you see where they took Sanitation Engineer Burke?
I think he's on the south side of the abbey.
Chancellor Amai says: I just arrived in Venomspite. How could I have possibly wronged you?
I don't know what happened. I had just arrived at Venomspite and then all of a sudden I woke up in this cage!
Are you there to rescue me?
Gossip No, chancellor, I wouldn't say that I'm here to 'rescue' you, per se.
Chancellor Amai says: What is the meaning of this?! Stop! I'll double whatever they're paying you!
Gossip Any idea where they're keeping Deathguard Schneider?
I think they have her down near the gallows.
Senior Scrivener Kinnedius says: If you'd be so kind, please let me out of here!
Oh good, you're here to rescue me. Now let me out of here!
Gossip Not today, senior scrivener!
Senior Scrivener Kinnedius says: You can't possibly mean to.... I'll write you up for this, <class>!
Engineer Burke says: Can someone let me out of here? I need to get back to Venomspite and finish my shift.
Hey, buddy. I've seen you around.
Mind getting me out of here?
Gossip Afraid not. Your days as a sanitation engineer are coming to an end.
Engineer Burke says: No! I beg you! Please don't kill me!

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