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For the daily quest version, see H [25-30G5 Daily] No Rest For The Wicked.
HordeNo Rest For The Wicked
Start Koltira Deathweaver
End Koltira Deathweaver
Level 25-30
Type Group (5)
Category Icecrown
Experience 33100 or 19g 86s at 80
Rewards Inv wand 12 [Encrusted Zombie Finger], Inv weapon crossbow 21 [Polished Zombie Exterminator], or Inv wand 12 [Touch of Unlife]
22g 20s
Previous H [25-30G3] Need More Info
Next H [25-30G5 Daily] No Rest For The Wicked, H [25-30G5] The Ironwall Rampart
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [25-30G5] No Rest For The Wicked.


Koltira, aboard Orgrim's Hammer, wants you to slay Alumeth the Ascended at Aldur'thar.

Suggested Players [5]


These fools have actually stumbled upon something that could pose a serious threat to our plans!

The leader of this particular sect, Alumeth, has ritualistically sacrificed himself and now his underlings are channeling power to his soul.

If he's allowed to rest, their efforts will soon transform him into a mighty adversary.

Combine his [heart], [skull], [scepter] and [robes] from around their chamber and use his [remains] on the crystal there.

Hurry, <race>! Destroy him before he becomes any more powerful!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv weapon crossbow 21 [Polished Zombie Exterminator] Inv wand 12 [Encrusted Zombie Finger]
Inv wand 12 [Touch of Unlife]

You will also receive: 22g 20s


Well, friend? Were you successful against Alumeth?


Alumeth has suffered a sound defeat, but I sense that his spirit still lingers...


  • 33100 XP or 19g 86s at level 80


The items are all over the room.

After completion, this becomes a daily quest.



The name No Rest for the Wicked is a reference to the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament of the Bible, from which the phrase was made famous.

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