- For other uses, see Noble (disambiguation).

King Varian Wrynn and his courtiers in Stormwind Keep.
The nobles of Stormwind are the aristocratic ruling class of the kingdom of Stormwind.
The most influential of them are members of the House of Nobles, and are mainly royal advisors who have major leverage over business and labor, due to the fact that they own much of the land themselves.[1] They have clashed with the monarch on more than one occasion, but the monarchy has recently learned to not let the nobles push them around anymore.[2]
During the Noblegarden, which is meant to bring communities together to share the joy of life and friendship, it is customary for the nobles and lords of Stormwind to hide coins, candy, and the occasional treasures within special eggs painted to look like wildflowers. These eggs are then scattered in the capital and towns of the kingdom for the citizenry to find.
In the years before the orc invasion, Karazhan would host many galas for the nobles from around Stormwind, who came to regard Medivh's parties as exclusive high-society events. The guests were awed by the wonders of the enchanted tower, and their happiness even lifted the Guardian's mood.[3]
In time, Medivh was possessed by Sargeras and continued to hide this corruption behind a lavish lifestyle, still inviting many nobles to party down in Karazhan. When Arcanagos and Aegwynn confronted Medivh for his crime, this night the tower was crowded with nobles who were expecting a gala. When the son and mother started fighting, their powers were shaking the tower to its foundations and caused the would-be revelers to flee. As Aegwynn slowly gained the upper hand, Medivh resorted to draining the life of hundreds of people fleeing the tower in order to fuel his strength, leaving Karazhan a haunted tower of madness populated by ghosts and afterimages. Among the victims were some of the most important nobles of Stormwind.[4]
To the surprise of Medivh, his battle with Aegwynn had gone unnoticed by the rest of the world. No witnesses had survived, and the deaths of so many nobles had not caused the stir that he expected, as the kingdom of Stormwind laid the mysterious disappearance of the nobles on the orcs flooding out of the Dark Portal in the Black Morass.[5]
During the First War, most of the nobles of the kingdom were slain by the Old Horde.[6]
Following the Second War, after the Stonemasons Guild spent years toiling to rebuild the glorious city, they were left broke, as their fees and salaries were left unpaid and unspoken for by the city's officials. When the time of the rightful payment came, the nobles of Stormwind couldn't because they ran up a huge debt by expanding the kingdom's military presence through Elwynn and into Stranglethorn, and the massive debt crippled the kingdom's economy.[7] In the shadow, Lady Katrana Prestor manipulated both sides with the Drakefire Amulet - her meddling in the rebuilding of Stormwind left the nobility unsatisfied with the craftsmanship of the guild, while the workers were enraged that the nobility despised them and were threatening to withhold payment.[8][9] Although some of the nobles supported the Stonemasons Guild, such as Queen Tiffin Wrynn[10] and Count Erlgadin, who lobbied to improve the working conditions for the stonemasons during the restoration of the kingdom.[11]
During the Remembrance Day after the Cataclysm, several nobles were part of the Honor Delegation in the throne room of Stormwind Keep, selected to stand behind the king when he would deliver his memorial speech. However, Varian entered and was enraged to find that the nobles had been grumbling about the costs of his campaigns, to which the king harshly berated them for their petty complaints. Varian then dismissed the nobles, causing the stunned audience to slowly file out. When Varian didn't show up in time to start his speech to the people of Stormwind, some of the nobles wanted the ceremony to move forward, king or no king, while others insisted that they should wait for their leader, no matter how long it took. When the people began to lose patience, all the nobles and other members of the delegation convinced Archbishop Benedictus to give a speech, as he was truly loved by the citizens. After King Varian survived an assassination attempt and made his speech, everyone applauded with joy, even the nobles were standing and cheering, swept up by the power and pride of their king's vision.[12]
After King Anduin Wrynn's abduction by the Mawsworn, Turalyon was appointed as regent and protector of the realm with the support of the House of Nobles.[13] The nobles of Stormwind were keen on restoring Stormwind's defenses in the wake of the Fourth War,[14] and Turalyon remained popular with them in the years to come.[15]
Noble families[]
House of Wrynn[]
King Landan Wrynn †
King Barathen Wrynn †
King Llane Wrynn I †
King Varian Wrynn †
King Anduin Llane Wrynn
Other nobles[]
Lord Anduin Lothar †
Lady Katrana Prestor †
Lord Bolvar Fordragon
Lord Gryan Stoutmantle
Baron Freeman
Baron Rafe Dreuger †
Baron Reigol Valdread (Undead)
Baroness Dorothea Millstipe †
Lord Baurles K. Wishock †
Lady Catriona Von'Indi †
Lord Crispin Ference †
Lady Dena Kennedy
Lord Edrias Ulnur
Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker
Lady Keira Berrybuck †
Lady Mara Fordragon †
Lord Robin Daris †
Lord Tony Romano
Tyrathan Khort[16]
Antonio Kremen
- Handsome Terry of the Northsea Freebooters knows a recipe for a bear musk fragrance popular among Stormwind nobles, and that he sells at a good price.[18]
Nobles of Stormwind in
[50-70] A Window to the Past
See also[]
- ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter
- ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 112
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 117 - 118
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 120
- ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 3
- ^
[Shaw's Report]
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 36
- ^
[50-70] A Window to the Past
- ^ Ask CDev#Ask CDev Answers - Round 1
- ^ The Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 4
- ^ Blood of Our Fathers
- ^ Mathias and Genn On Turalyon Ruling Stormwind: Genn Greymane says: Anduin entrusted Turalyon with command of our military forces. The Stormwind nobles support him serving as regent and protector of the realm.
- ^ Stormwind Keep gossip text
- ^ Genn Greymane#Dragonflight
- ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, chapter 23
- ^
[10-30] The Karnitol Shipwreck
- ^
[10-30] The Fragrance of Money