- Nobundo's Hauberk of Conquest
- Item Level 35
- Binds when picked up
- Chest
- 11 Armor
- +3 Agility or Intellect
- +5 Stamina
- +72 Hit
- +4 Critical Strike
- +4 Haste
Prismatic Socket
Prismatic Socket
- Socket Bonus: +7 Spell Power
- Conqueror's Nobundo's Regalia (1/5 pieces)
[Nobundo's Hauberk of Conquest]
[Nobundo's Gloves of Conquest]
[Nobundo's Helm of Conquest]
[Nobundo's Kilt of Conquest]
[Nobundo's Shoulderpads of Conquest]
- (2) Set: Increases the duration of your Flame Shock spell by 9 sec.
(4) Set: Your Lava Burst spell causes your target to burn for an additonal 10% of your spell's damage over 6 sec. - Durability 165 / 165
- Classes: Shaman
- Requires Level 30
This item is sold by the following vendors for gold:
Aspirant Forudir <Triumphant Armor Vendor> in Icecrown
Matilda Brightlink <Mail Armor Merchant> in Dalaran
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): Added.