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For the US realm, see Server:Norgannon US.
Not to be confused with Gorgannon.
Image of Norgannon
Title The Dreamweaver,
Keeper of Celestial Magics and Lore[1]
Gender Male
Race Titan
Affiliation(s) Pantheon of Order
Location Seat of the Pantheon
Status Alive

“I believe that you will find that my gift to you is not just a profound duty—which it is—but also a delight—which it is! Magic must be regulated, managed, and controlled. But it must also be appreciated and valued and not hoarded. Such is the contradiction you must deal with. May you be dutiful...and joyous both.”

— Norgannon's Blessing of the Blue Aspect on Malygos[2]

Norgannon (pronounced /ˈnɔːrgəˌnɔːn/) was a member of the titan Pantheon and Keeper of Celestial Magics and Lore.[1][3]


Norgannon Seat of the Pantheon

Norgannon in the Seat of the Pantheon.

Like the other titans, Norgannon was born from a world-soul somewhere in the Great Dark Beyond, and thereafter joined the Pantheon's quest to order the universe and find others of their kind.

Just prior to the war against the Old Gods on Azeroth, the titans, fearing that their enormous bodies would severely harm Azeroth's world-soul crafted the titan-forged to wage war in their stead. Norgannon imbued a portion of his intellect and mastery over magic into keepers Loken and Mimiron.[4] After the defeat of Galakrond, Norgannon used Loken as a conduit to channel his power into Malygos, granting him incredible arcane powers, as well as access to "the limitless realms of magic and hidden arcana" to forevermore share, explore and protect.[5]

When the traitor Sargeras, former defender of the Pantheon, began his Burning Crusade to scour the universe of life, the Pantheon confronted him near the world of Nihilam. Their attempts to reason with him failed, and instead Sargeras killed his former student and friend, Aggramar. Enraged by this murder, the Pantheon launched an all-out assault on the fallen titan and his Burning Legion, but could not stand against his fel might. Just as Sargeras summoned a great fel storm to finish the Pantheon off, Norgannon wove a protective shroud around the Pantheon's souls, launching them into the Great Dark just as their bodies were destroyed.[6] The spirits then slammed into the Keepers of Azeroth.[7]

Sargeras eventually captured the spirits of most of the Pantheon members, with the sole exception of Eonar, who escaped. Aggramar succumbed to Sargeras's torture and was revived as an avatar[8] on the planet Argus to serve the Burning Legion. Aman'Thul, Khaz'goroth, Norgannon, and Golganneth were tortured by the Coven of Shivarra with the goal of breaking them just as the Legion had Aggramar.

After Norgannon and his brethren were freed, they reunited at the Seat of the Pantheon, where they attempted to sever Argus's connection with the Legion, and subsequently assisted the mortal champions against Argus the Unmaker. After Aman'Thul's temporal blast succeeded only in splitting and reshaping Argus into seven Constellar Designates, Norgannon summoned his Discs and used their arcane abilities to expose elemental weaknesses in each of the Designates, rendering them vulnerable to harm. After Argus was finally defeated, Sargeras struck out at Azeroth and wounded her heavily in Silithus. Immediately thereafter, the Pantheon combined their powers with the last remnant of Argus's essence, and imprisoned him within the Seat of the Pantheon, decisively ending the Burning Crusade at long last. Illidan Stormrage, who stayed behind while his comrades left, serves as Sargeras's jailer.


In World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Norgannon S&L

Norgannon in the RPG.

Norgannon is a male Aesir titan. His class is Wizard.[11]

The blank expression on this platinum-skinned titan's face is unreadable. Arcane power emanates from him like a tangible force, making skin prickle and hair stand on end.[12] Lord of mysteries and master of arcane magic, Norgannon is the ultimate keeper of secrets. Though titans usually avoid the arcane's corrupting nature, Aman'Thul charged the implacable Norgannon to catalog all spells and magical currents in the universe — the Dreamweaver's knowledge will, hopefully, enable the titans to better understand and defeat the Burning Legion and their other enemies. Norgannon knows almost everything and is utterly passionless. He is the definitive magical historian.[12]

Norgannon's portfolio includes arcane magic, knowledge, secrets and mysteries. Though his name is generally unknown on Azeroth (so far), spellcasters on many worlds revere this paragon of their craft. Some whisper his name whenever they cast a spell, while others beseech his protection against the corruption of the arcane.[13]

Notes and trivia[]

  • Norgannon appears as a legendary mage minion in the TITANS expansion. His flavor text reads: "His tremendous arcane magic was strong enough to save all of the spirits of the titans after Sargeras destroyed their physical forms."
    • In his Hearthstone card art, Norgannon is oddly portrayed with purple skin, when he is supposed to be silver. He is also portrayed as wielding all magic types, not just arcane.


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