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AllianceNorth Fleet Marine
Image of North Fleet Marine
Gender Male
Race(s) Human, Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition, North Fleet
Location The Windrunner, The Oblivion and The Dark Defiance; Howling Fjord

The North Fleet Marines are Alliance refugees from The North Fleet, a large fleet of boats to the South where a sizable amount of slain Alliance deckhands. They may be attacking the Horde for revenge, however that is currently unknown, by attacking the three horde boats attacking the nearby Alliance settlement; The Windrunner, The Oblivion and The Dark Defiance.

Despite having less than a third of the health of the Horde's Forsaken Deckhands, they seem to dispatch of them with great ease alone, and so Captain Harker, captain of The Windrunner needs assistance in removing them.

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