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Engineering Icon WoW Icon update Engineering (Profession)
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Engineering schematics

Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Northrend proficiency Engineering can be trained as early as level 65, permits progression up to 75 skill, and access to the following schematics:

Note: The following skill levels have not been updated following the Battle for Azeroth profession destacking.

Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts] 2x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar] 350 360 370 380 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger] 3x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
1x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
350 366 375 385 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 31 [Cobalt Frag Bomb] 2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
350 375 382 390 Trainer
Inv pick 03 [Bladed Pickaxe] 5x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar] 375 380 385 390 Trainer
Inv pick 05 [Hammer Pick] 5x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar] 375 380 385 390 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor] 4x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
1x Inv elemental crystal earth [Crystallized Earth]
375 380 385 390 Trainer
Ability seal [Explosive Decoy] 1x Inv fabric soulcloth [Frostweave Cloth]
3x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
375 385 390 395 Trainer
Trade engineering [Flexweave Underlay] 12x Inv fabric soulcloth [Frostweave Cloth]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor]
380 380 383 385 Trainer
Trade engineering [Frag Belt] 8x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
8x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
380 380 383 385 Trainer
Trade engineering [EMP Generator] 4x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor] 390 390 393 395 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube] 8x Inv ingot cobalt [Cobalt Bar]
1x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
390 395 400 405 Trainer
Ability hunter rapidregeneration [Diamond-Cut Refractor Scope] 1x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
390 400 408 415 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 08 [Mark "S" Boomstick] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 25 [Hair Trigger]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
400 405 410 415 Trainer
Trade engineering [Nitro Boosts] 6x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
6x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
405 405 405 410 Trainer
Inv crate 01 [Box of Bombs] 5x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 04 [Volatile Blasting Trigger]
405 410 415 420 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 19 [Titanium Toolbox] 8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
8x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
4x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
405 425 433 440 Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Titanium Toolbox]
Achievement reputation ogre [Dullard] 8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
410 410 415 420 Trainer
Spell nature elementalprecision 1 [Goblin Beam Welder] 6x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
3x Inv elemental crystal fire [Crystallized Fire]
3x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
410 415 420 425 Trainer
Inv gizmo 05 [Healing Injector Kit] 12x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
410 415 420 425 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos 14 [Scrapbot Construction Kit] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar] 415 415 418 420 N Engineering [25-30] The Prototype Console
Inv gizmo 04 [Mana Injector Kit] 12x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv elemental crystal water [Crystallized Water]
415 420 425 430 Trainer
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Mechanized Snow Goggles]
8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 15 [Borean Leather]
1x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
420 425 433 440 Trainer
Inv gizmo goblinboombox 01 [Noise Machine] 2x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor]
8x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
420 435 440 445 Trainer
Inv gizmo goblinboombox 01 [Sonic Booster] 2x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
4x Inv misc enggizmos 27 [Overcharged Capacitor]
2x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
420 435 440 445 Trainer
Inv misc molle [MOLL-E] 8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
8x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
425 430 433 435 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 03 [Sun Scope] 1x Inv misc enggizmos 28 [Froststeel Tube]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 03 [Autumn's Glow]
425 430 433 435 Trainer
Spell nature lightningoverload [Gnomish Lightning Generator] 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
8x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
2x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
425 430 435 440 Trainer
Inv misc spyglass 02 [Heartseeker Scope] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal]
430 435 445 455 Trainer
Inv misc enggizmos swissarmy [Gnomish Army Knife] 10x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
1x Inv weapon shortblade 01 [Skinning Knife]
1x Inv pick 02 [Mining Pick]
1x Inv hammer 20 [Blacksmith Hammer]
435 440 445 450 Trainer
Spell fire bluefirenova [Wormhole Generator: Northrend] 8x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
2x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
2x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
2x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
435 450 455 460 Trainer
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Armored Titanium Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Charged Titanium Specs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Electroflux Sight Enhancers]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Greensight Gogs]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Truesight Ice Blinders]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Unbreakable Healing Amplifiers]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Visage Liquification Goggles]
Inv gizmo newgoggles [Weakness Spectralizers]
8x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 19 [Heavy Borean Leather]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
2x Northrend rare gem (varies)
4x Eternal ingredient (varies)
440 450 455 460 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 19 [Armor Plated Combat Shotgun] 10x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
20x Inv ingot yoggthorite [Saronite Bar]
15x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
15x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
450 455 460 465 Trainer
Inv weapon rifle 06 [Nesingwary 4000] 10x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
12x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
12x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
3x Inv misc spyglass 03 [Sun Scope]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
1x Inv mace 11 [Walnut Stock]
450 455 460 465 Trainer
Achievement boss mimiron 01 [Jeeves] 2x Inv egg 05 [Field Repair Bot 74A]
10x Inv misc enggizmos 01 [Field Repair Bot 110G]
20x Inv misc enggizmos 14 [Scrapbot Construction Kit]
8x Inv ingot titansteel blue [Titansteel Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 36 [King's Amber]
30x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
450 480 485 490 Inv scroll 05 [Schematic: Jeeves]
HordeInv misc key 06 [Mechano-Hog]
AllianceInv misc key 14 [Mekgineer's Chopper]
12x Inv ingot titansteel blue [Titansteel Bar]
40x Inv misc enggizmos 29 [Handful of Cobalt Bolts]
2x Inv misc pelt 14 [Arctic Fur]
1x Inv misc enggizmos 19 [Salvaged Iron Golem Parts]
9x Inv rod platinum [Goblin-Machined Piston]
1x Inv gizmo pipe 02 [Elementium-Plated Exhaust Pipe]
450 480 485 490 HordeInv scroll 04 [Schematic: Mechano-Hog]
AllianceInv scroll 04 [Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper]