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Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting (Profession)
Ingredients  •  Inv misc gem bloodgem 01 [Prospecting]  •  Proficiencies  •  Quests  •  Designs  •  Trainers  •  Equipment
Jewelcrafting designs

Classic Bc icon
Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Northrend proficiency Jewelcrafting can be trained as early as level 65, permits progression up to 75 skill, and access to the following designs:

Note: The following skill levels have not been updated following the Battle for Azeroth profession destacking.

Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv jewelry necklace 15 [Blood Sun Necklace] Necklace 2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony]
1x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
380 400 410 420 Trainer
Inv weapon shortblade 22 [Jade Dagger Pendant] Necklace 2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine]
1x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
380 400 410 420 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 14 [Shadowmight Ring] Ring 1x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
1x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
390 410 420 430 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 02 [Stoneguard Band] Ring 2x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth] 390 410 420 430 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Accurate Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Accurate Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 28 [Bold Scarlet Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bold Scarlet Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 28 [Brilliant Scarlet Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby] 390 410 425 440 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Champion's Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Champion's Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Deadly Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Deadly Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Defender's Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Defender's Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Deft Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Deft Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 28 [Delicate Scarlet Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Delicate Scarlet Ruby]
Inv misc gem pearl 12 [Enchanted Tear] Gem 1x Inv misc gem pearl 11 [Siren's Tear]
4x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
390 410 425 440 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Energized Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Energized Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Etched Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Etched Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Fierce Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Fierce Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 28 [Flashing Scarlet Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Flashing Scarlet Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Forceful Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Forceful Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Glinting Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Glinting Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Guardian's Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Guardian's Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Inscribed Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Inscribed Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Jagged Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Jagged Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Lightning Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Lightning Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Lucent Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Lucent Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Misty Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Misty Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Mysterious Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mysterious Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 26 [Mystic Autumn's Glow] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 03 [Autumn's Glow] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystic Autumn's Glow]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Nimble Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Potent Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Potent Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Potent Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 28 [Precise Scarlet Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Precise Scarlet Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Purified Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Purified Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 26 [Quick Autumn's Glow] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 03 [Autumn's Glow] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Quick Autumn's Glow]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Radiant Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Radiant Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Reckless Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Reckless Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Regal Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Regal Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Resolute Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Resolute Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Resplendent Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Resplendent Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 27 [Rigid Sky Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 05 [Sky Sapphire] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Rigid Sky Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Shattered Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shattered Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Shifting Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shifting Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 26 [Smooth Autumn's Glow] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 03 [Autumn's Glow] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Smooth Autumn's Glow]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 27 [Solid Sky Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 05 [Sky Sapphire] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Solid Sky Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Sovereign Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sovereign Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 27 [Sparkling Sky Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 05 [Sky Sapphire] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sparkling Sky Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Stalwart Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stalwart Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Steady Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Steady Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 27 [Stormy Sky Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 05 [Sky Sapphire] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stormy Sky Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 26 [Subtle Autumn's Glow] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 03 [Autumn's Glow] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Subtle Autumn's Glow]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Timeless Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Timeless Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 25 [Turbid Forest Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Turbid Forest Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Veiled Twilight Opal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Veiled Twilight Opal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Willful Monarch Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz] 390 410 425 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Willful Monarch Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting emeraldboar [Figurine - Emerald Boar] Trinket 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby]
400 430 440 450 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting goldencrab [Figurine - Monarch Crab] Trinket 2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
400 430 440 450 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [Figurine - Ruby Hare] Trinket 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 03 [Autumn's Glow]
400 430 440 450 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting azureowl [Figurine - Sapphire Owl] Trinket 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 05 [Sky Sapphire]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald]
400 430 440 450 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting purpleserpent [Figurine - Twilight Serpent] Trinket 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 02 [Monarch Topaz]
400 430 440 450 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Austere Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 400 430 440 450 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Austere Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Beaming Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Beaming Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Bracing Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bracing Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Chaotic Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Chaotic Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Destructive Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Destructive Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelry ring 49naxxramas [Dream Signet] Ring 1x Inv enchant dreamshard 02 [Dream Shard]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald]
1x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Ember Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ember Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelry necklace 24 [Emerald Choker] Necklace 3x Inv jewelcrafting gem 01 [Forest Emerald]
1x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Eternal Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Eternal Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Forlorn Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Forlorn Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Impassive Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Impassive Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Insightful Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Persistent Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Powerful Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Relentless Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Relentless Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Revitalizing Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelry ring 75 [Ring of Earthen Might] Ring 2x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ring of Earthen Might]
Inv jewelry ring 38 [Ring of Northern Tears] Ring 4x Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl]
1x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ring of Northern Tears]
Inv jewelry ring ahnqiraj 06 [Ring of Scarlet Shadows] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby]
3x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ring of Scarlet Shadows]
Inv jewelry ring 34 [Runed Mana Band] Ring 2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 06 [Twilight Opal]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 38 [Savage Titanium Band] Ring 4x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
4x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Savage Titanium Band]
Inv jewelry ring 38 [Savage Titanium Ring] Ring 4x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
4x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Savage Titanium Ring]
Inv jewelry ring 72 [Scarlet Signet] Ring 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 04 [Scarlet Ruby]
420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Shielded Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shielded Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelry necklace 16 [Sky Sapphire Amulet] Necklace 2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 05 [Sky Sapphire]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Swift Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Thundering Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Thundering Skyflare Diamond]
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Tireless Skyflare Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Skyflare Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 57 [Titanium Frostguard Ring] Ring 1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
3x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
3x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Titanium Frostguard Ring]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Earthsiege Diamond] 420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Trenchant Earthsiege Diamond]
Inv jewelry ring 61 [Windfire Band] Ring 2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
2x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
1x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
420 440 450 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Windfire Band]
Inv misc gem diamond 02 [Icy Prism] Other 3x Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony]
3x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade]
3x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
425 445 457 470 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Accurate Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Adept Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Artful Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormala [Bold Carnelian] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior4 [Carnelian] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormala [Brilliant Carnelian] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior4 [Carnelian] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Deadly Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Deadly Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Defender's Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Defender's Nightstone]
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Deft Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Deft Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormala [Delicate Carnelian] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior4 [Carnelian] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Etched Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Fierce Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Fierce Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Fine Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Fine Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormala [Flashing Carnelian] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior4 [Carnelian] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Flashing Carnelian]
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Forceful Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Forceful Jasper]
Inv misc cutgemnormal6a [Fractured Alicite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior [Alicite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Glinting Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Guardian's Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Guardian's Nightstone]
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Inscribed Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Inscribed Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Jagged Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc stonering1 [Jasper Ring] Ring 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper]
1x Inv jewelcrafting bronzesetting [Jeweler's Setting]
425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Keen Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Keen Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Lightning Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Lightning Jasper]
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Nimble Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Nimble Jasper]
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Piercing Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Piercing Jasper]
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Polished Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Polished Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Potent Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Potent Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormala [Precise Carnelian] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior4 [Carnelian] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Puissant Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Purified Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Purified Nightstone]
Inv misc cutgemnormal6a [Quick Alicite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior [Alicite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Reckless Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Reckless Hessonite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Regal Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Regal Jasper]
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Retaliating Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Retaliating Nightstone]
Inv misc cutgemnormal4a [Rigid Zephyrite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior6 [Zephyrite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Sensei's Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Shifting Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal3a [Skillful Hessonite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal6a [Smooth Alicite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior [Alicite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal4a [Solid Zephyrite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior6 [Zephyrite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Sovereign Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal4a [Sparkling Zephyrite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior6 [Zephyrite] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Steady Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Steady Jasper]
Inv misc cutgemnormal4a [Stormy Zephyrite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior6 [Zephyrite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Stormy Zephyrite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal6a [Subtle Alicite] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior [Alicite] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design:Subtle Alicite]
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Timeless Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal2a [Veiled Nightstone] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior3 [Nightstone] 425 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv misc cutgemnormal5a [Zen Jasper] Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper] 425 450 467 485 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Zen Jasper]
Inv jewelry ring 59 [Titanium Earthguard Ring] Ring 4x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye]
4x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
4x Inv elemental eternal life [Eternal Life]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
430 450 455 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Titanium Earthguard Ring]
Inv jewelry ring 55 [Titanium Impact Band] Ring 4x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye]
4x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
4x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
430 450 455 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Titanium Impact Band]
Inv jewelry ring 63 [Titanium Spellshock Ring] Ring 4x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye]
4x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
4x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
430 450 455 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Titanium Spellshock Ring]
Inv misc necklacea3 [Alicite Pendant] Necklace 2xInv misc uncutgemsuperior [Alicite]
1xInv jewelcrafting bronzesetting [Jeweler's Setting]
435 450 467 485 Trainer
Inv jewelry necklace 33 [Titanium Earthguard Chain] Necklace 6x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
6x Inv elemental eternal life [Eternal Life]
4x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
440 450 455 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Titanium Earthguard Chain]
Inv jewelry necklace 14 [Titanium Impact Choker] Necklace 6x Inv elemental eternal air [Eternal Air]
6x Inv elemental eternal fire [Eternal Fire]
4x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
440 450 455 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Titanium Impact Choker]
Inv jewelry necklace 35 [Titanium Spellshock Necklace] Necklace 6x Inv elemental eternal shadow [Eternal Shadow]
6x Inv elemental eternal water [Eternal Water]
4x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye]
2x Inv ingot platinum [Titanium Bar]
1x Spell frost frozencore [Frozen Orb]
440 450 455 460 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Titanium Spellshock Necklace]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Accurate Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Accurate Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 37 [Bold Cardinal Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 32 [Cardinal Ruby] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bold Cardinal Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 37 [Brilliant Cardinal Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 32 [Cardinal Ruby] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Brilliant Cardinal Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Champion's Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Champion's Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Deadly Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Deadly Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Defender's Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Defender's Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Deft Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Deft Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 37 [Delicate Cardinal Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 32 [Cardinal Ruby] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Delicate Cardinal Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Energized Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Energized Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Etched Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Etched Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Fierce Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Fierce Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 37 [Flashing Cardinal Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 32 [Cardinal Ruby] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Flashing Cardinal Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Forceful Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Forceful Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Glinting Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Glinting Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Guardian's Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Guardian's Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Inscribed Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Inscribed Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Jagged Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Jagged Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Lightning Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Lightning Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Lucent Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Lucent Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Misty Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Misty Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Mysterious Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mysterious Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 38 [Mystic King's Amber] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 36 [King's Amber] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystic King's Amber]
Inv misc gem pearl 12 [Nightmare Tear] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye]
5 x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Nightmare Tear]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Nimble Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Nimble Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Potent Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Potent Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 37 [Precise Cardinal Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 32 [Cardinal Ruby] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Precise Cardinal Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Purified Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Purified Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 38 [Quick King's Amber] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 36 [King's Amber] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Quick King's Amber]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Radiant Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Radiant Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Reckless Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Reckless Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Regal Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Regal Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Resolute Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Resolute Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Resplendent Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Resplendent Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 42 [Rigid Majestic Zircon] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 35 [Majestic Zircon] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Rigid Majestic Zircon]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Shattered Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shattered Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Shifting Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shifting Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 38 [Smooth King's Amber] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 36 [King's Amber] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Smooth King's Amber]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 42 [Solid Majestic Zircon] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 35 [Majestic Zircon] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Solid Majestic Zircon]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Sovereign Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sovereign Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 42 [Sparkling Majestic Zircon] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 35 [Majestic Zircon] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sparkling Majestic Zircon]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Stalwart Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stalwart Ametrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Steady Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Steady Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 42 [Stormy Majestic Zircon] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 35 [Majestic Zircon] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stormy Majestic Zircon]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 38 [Subtle King's Amber] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 36 [King's Amber] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Subtle King's Amber]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Timeless Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Timeless Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 41 [Turbid Eye of Zul] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 34 [Eye of Zul] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Turbid Eye of Zul]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 40 [Veiled Dreadstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 31 [Dreadstone] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Veiled Dreadstone]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 39 [Willful Ametrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 33 [Ametrine] 450 450 452 465 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Willful Ametrine]
Inv helmet 44 [Jeweler's Ruby Monocle] Head 3x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Inferno Ruby]
2x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
50x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
450 480 490 500 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Jeweler's Ruby Monocle]
Inv misc diamondring2 [Hessonite Band] Ring 2x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior5 [Hessonite]
1x Inv jewelcrafting bronzesetting [Jeweler's Setting]
450 485 495 505 Trainer