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AllianceNorthwatch Expeditionary Unit
Northwatch Hold in Cataclysm
Main leader IconSmall Dwarf Male Force Commander Valen (presumed)
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male Admiral Aubrey †
Secondary leaders IconSmall Human Male Rear Admiral Hartley
IconSmall Human Male Commander Singleton
IconSmall Human Male Captain Grunwald
IconSmall Human Male Keep Watcher Kerry
  Formerly IconSmall Human Female Captain Fairmount
IconSmall Human Male Lieutenant Palliter
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Capital Northwatch Hold
Base of operations Honor's Stand, Tiragarde Keep, Northwatch Expedition Base Camp
Theater of operations Durotar, Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, Azshara
Affiliation Alliance
Status Active
Cycle of Hatred by Raneman

Northwatch soldier fighting an orc grunt.

The Northwatch Expeditionary Unit[1] is a group of sailors and soldiers sent from Northwatch Hold and Theramore to attempt to gain a further stronghold into Kalimdor. They've been spotted in Durotar, the Barrens, Azshara and the Stonetalon Mountains. They are recognizable by their Theramore Tabards.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

The day before the Cataclysm, Alliance forces streamed out of Northwatch and marched up the Gold Road, besieging Crossroads as dusk fell. Then, in the heart of the night, they force-marched southward, leaving their campfires burning behind in order to surprise attack Honor's Stand at dawn's first light.[2] After the Cataclysm a small group called the Northwatch Expeditionary Force attempted to gain a foothold in Durotar,[3] while Northwatch's forces expanded to the Stonetalon Mountains to help Theramore open up a supply line to the night elves.[4]

They have also begun preventing vessels flying Horde colors access to the nearby neutral port, Ratchet.[5]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Several years later, the surviving forces of the Northwatch Expeditionary Unit have taken part in the Fourth War. Honor's Stand is still under their control, and was defended by Quartermaster Lawson against a Horde siege. Northwatch Hold was rebuilt between the wars, and Cannoneer Whessan led a large army from the Hold to capture Crossroads and thus disrupt the Horde movements in Kalimdor.[6] Dockmaster Lewis was leading raids against the Horde port of Echo Isles, setting fire to their ships and damaging their ability to supply the Eastern Kingdoms warfront.[7] Keep Watcher Kerry was attempting to rebuild the Tiragarde Keep in Durotar and was attacked by the Horde.[8] Norbin Nimblesprocket was commanding the Alliance cannons at Northwatch Hold, defending it against a naval blockade by the Rageroar Battleships.[9] The Horde has installed goblin Azerite cannons on the northern shore of the Great Divide to counter his firepower.[10] Thomas Paxton was leading a navy force to the Scuttle Coast to salvage it.[11] The dwarves of Bael Modan, close allies of the Unit, have also survived in some form, and the fortress was used as a staging point against Mulgore. Logan Talonstrike led their forces to prevent the Horde from salvaging the Battlescar.[12] Bael Modan was also attacked by a tauren warband in an attempt to purge it. It was defended by Borim Goldhammer, who arrived from Ironforge.[13]

The Horde's attack on Kerry was unsuccessful, and even after the Fourth War the Northwatch Expeditionary Unit was guarding and rebuilding Tiragarde Keep.[14]

Command structure[]

Soldier's Caravan HS

Soldier's Caravan in Hearthstone.

Northwatch Expeditionary Unit[]

Northwatch Expeditionary Force[]

Northwatch Commander HS

Northwatch Commander in Hearthstone.

It wasn't until the Cataclysm that members of Northwatch proved a menace to the citizens of Durotar. Believing the Cataclysm had distracted the Horde, the Northwatch Expeditionary Unit dispatched in two prime locations, Tiragarde Keep and the Northwatch Foothold (previously known as Kolkar Crag). Even a small group has invaded the Valley of Trials. Some were captured.





See also[]

