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For the Azsuna world quest, see N [45WQ] Not On My Watch.
AllianceNot On My Watch!
Start Huntress Bintook
End Huntress Bintook
Level 15-30
Category Nagrand
Experience 11,000 EXP (or 6g 60s at level 70)
Reputation +1,000 Kurenai
Previous A [15-30] Do My Eyes Deceive Me
Next A [15-30] Mo'mor the Breaker


Huntress Bintook at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to speak to Lump. Return to Huntress Bintook when you have gathered the information that she requested.

  • Lump Interrogated


The battle plans were written up by an ogre lieutenant. His name is either Dump or Lump.

<Bintook turns the parchment sideways and cocks her head.>

It could also be Billy.

Anyhow, I think you should go back out there and have a word with Billy or Lump or Dumpy or whatever! Try to approach him diplomatically. If that doesn't work, try using some muscle.


Oh my! This is a small scouting and hunting party? You must tell Mo'mor what you have discovered.


  • 11.000 XP (or 6g 60s at level 70)
  • +1,000 reputation with Kurenai


  1. H [15-30] The Impotent Leader
  2. A [15-30] Do My Eyes Deceive Me or H [15-30] Don't Kill the Fat One (+500 reputation)
  3. A [15-30] Not On My Watch! or H [15-30] Success! (+1000)
  4. A [15-30] Mo'mor the Breaker or H [15-30] Because Kilrath is a Coward (+20)
  5. A [15-30] The Ruins of Burning Blade or H [15-30] Message in a Battle (+500)
  6. A [15-30] The Twin Clefts of Nagrand or H [15-30] An Audacious Advance (+700)
  7. B [15-30] Diplomatic Measures (+300)
  8. N [15-30] Ruthless Cunning
  9. N [15-30] Body of Evidence & N [15-30] Returning the Favor
  10. A [15-30] Message to Telaar or H [15-30] Message to Garadar (+700)

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