Famous weapons from World of Warcraft.
This page contains notable weapons used in Warcraft lore, including those seen in and out of game.
- Ashbringer - Sword forged by King Magni Bronzebeard and wielded wielded by Alexandros Mograine, Knight of the Silver Hand; Mograine would take the name "The Ashbringer" from the sword. After being corrupted following Mograine's murder and wielded by his son Darion, it has been cleansed and is currently wielded by Tirion Fordring.
- Atiesh - The staff wielded by the last Guardian of Tirisfal, Medivh.
- The
[Battle Axe of the Thunder King] and
[Battle Spear of the Thunder King] - the weapons of mogu Emperor Lei Shen.
[The Black Hand] - warhammer of Warlord Blackhand.
[The Bladefist] /
[The Bladefist] - A huge scythe-like blade that served as the right hand and namesake weapon of Kargath Bladefist, chieftain of the Shattered Hand clan and Warchief of the Fel Horde. He replaced his right hand with this deadly blade upon attaining the station of grunt.
- Byfrost - Sword of the Death Knight Koltira Deathweaver, the first Knight of the Ebon Blade to join the Horde.
- Bloodhoof Runespear - The spear wielded by tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof. Destroyed during a mortal duel against Garrosh Hellscream.
- Doomhammer - Heirloom weapon of the Doomhammer line, which it was named after, the last of which was Orgrim Doomhammer. Orgrim used the Doomhammer to kill Anduin Lothar during the Siege of Blackrock Spire. When Orgrim died, Thrall took it up (along with Doomhammer's plate) and became the new Warchief of the Horde.
[Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest] - crafted by Kalecgos of the Blue Dragonflight to serve against Ragnaros and to hold the spirit of Tarecgosa.
- Ellemayne - 'the Reaver'; forged during the War of the Ancients; later given to Varian Wrynn and his alter ego Lo'Gosh by Lady Jaina Proudmoore.
- Fangs of the Father -
[Golad, Twilight of Aspects] and
[Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages] - a set of daggers known as the crafted by Wrathion to help slay the remaining corrupted black dragons.
- Fearbreaker - a dwarven mace wielded for centuries by the Bronzebeard family. King Magni gifted it to Anduin Wrynn, who in turn gave it to Baine Bloodhoof.
[Felo'melorn] - 'Flamestrike'; the weapon of the Sunstrider. Shattered in the fall of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas had it reforged.
- Frostfathom - the bow of Lady Vashj.
- Frostmourne - The runeblade that stole the soul of Arthas Menethil and transformed him into a death knight, and eventually the Lich King.
- Glaive of the Aspects - a weapon crafted by the Burning Legion from the stolen powers of the Dragon Aspects.
- Gorehowl - "Singing" axe that belonged to Grom Hellscream, chieftain of the Warsong Clan. It is now held by Grom's son Garrosh.
- Gorshalach - 'the Dark Render'; Formerly the weapon of Sargeras, it shattered into Gorribal - the Dark Seether - and Taeshalach - Flame Rend.
- The Great Royal Sword of Stormwind - The other sword wielded by Lothar, forged in the name of the Kingdom of Stormwind. When Lothar fell during the Battle of Blackrock Spire, Orgrim Doomhammer shattered the sword with the Doomhammer. However, Lothar's protege Turalyon took up the shattered blade and led the Alliance's forces to victory.
- Hammer of Twilight - A Hammer forged for Cho'gall by Wildhammer smiths, commissioned by Deathwing and imbued with power of the Old Gods. It's symbolic for Twilight's Hammer clan.
[Ironfoe] - Legendary orc-slaying hammer created by Franclorn Forgewright, master mason of the Dark Iron clan. Forgewright gave it to the ancestor of Marshal Reginald Windsor; Windsor eventually did receive the hammer. Ironfoe would, however, fall into the hands of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan when Marshal Windsor was kidnapped by the Dark Iron Dwarves and held prisoner in Blackrock Mountain. It's twin,
[Ironfel], was kept by Forgewright.
[Light's Vengeance] - The hammer used by Arthas Menethil during his time as a paladin. After Arthas took up Frostmourne and became a death knight, he discarded Light's Vengeance in the cavern were he found Frostmourne. It is later recovered by adventurers, under the order of Darion Mograine, and used to create
- Quel'Delar - 'The Sister Blade'; forged by the night elves and the five dragonflights and given to the quel'dorei; the high elven factions of Dalaran would like the sword to be remade so it can be used against the Scourge.
[Quel'Serrar] - 'The High Blade', forged by the five dragonflights and given to the kaldorei. Kept in the possession of the Shen'dralar, fired by the breath of Onyxia, and tempered with her blood.
- Quel'Zaram - One of the swords used by Anduin Lothar; the name means "High Blade" in Thalassian.
[Shadowmourne] - The "sister blade" of Frostmourne, a weapon created by Darion Mograine and intended to use the combined powers of the sacred and the corrupt to destroy the Lich King. Its prototype weapon,
[Shadow's Edge], was forged from Arthas' discarded hammer,
[Light's Vengeance], combined with primordial saronite and the acidic blood of Professor Putricide's twisted "sons", Festergut and Rotface. The weapon must then consume the souls of the most powerful servants of the Scourge, be infused with unearthly powers, and be adorned with shards of the Frozen Throne to smash through the Lich King's armor.
- Shalamayne - Blade created from Ellemayne and Shalla'tor when Varian Wrynn and Lo'Gosh fused back into one person; when the two Varians fused, so did the blades. Varian Wrynn still possesses the blade.
- Shalla'tor - 'the Shadow Render'; forged during the War of the Ancients; later given to Varian Wrynn and his alter ego Lo'Gosh by Lady Jaina Proudmoore.
- The Twin Blades of Azzinoth - A pair of demon-forged warglaives wielded by the doomguard commander Azzinoth until he was slain in the War of the Ancients by Illidan Stormrage. Illidan honed his skill with these blades for more than ten thousand years, wielding them either as a single weapon or as a deadly pair. He used these weapons to slay his opponents during his conquest of Outland, and in the duel with Arthas at Icecrown Citadel.
[Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings] - Titan relic granted to Urel Stoneheart, the first earthen king. During the war between the earthen and the iron dwarves, Val'anyr was shattered, its fragments scattered throughout Ulduar. The fragments must be brought together and restored within the acidic maw of Yogg-Saron.
- Wrenchcalibur - the weapon of Gelbin Mekkatorque.