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NeutralNowhere to Hide
Start Captain Drine [59.4, 34.7]VZ-ValdrakkenBlip
End Captain Drine [54.8, 47.2]VZ-ValdrakkenBlip
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 10,250
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards 27g 62s
Previous N [68-70] A Message Most Dire
Next N [68-70] Southern Exposure


Kill 6 Primalist Infiltrators within Valdrakken.


Welcome to Valdrakken, <race>.
The climate in the city has been a bit warm of late, and I do not mean the weather.

The Primalists are skulking about, fomenting dissent among the citizens of our city.

Our foes are crafty. They have been disguising themselves as citizens of our city to hide from the Scalesworn. They know how to avoid my guards but will not suspect an outsider.

Take this Dragon's Eye gem, it should help you see through their disguises.

Go reveal and kill these infiltrators!


You will receive:


Have you taken care of our infiltrator problem?


Good. Let this serve as a notice that the Primalists will never be welcome in Valdrakken!


On accept:

Captain Drine says: Root out any Primalist that dare infest our city!

Use the provided Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Revealing Dragon's Eye] before leaving the seat, then keep an eye out for glowing Valdrakken Citizens. Speak with one, where they can say one of:

  • What?
  • Hello, friend. Did you also get turned out of your home by the return of the "masters"?
  • Who maintained these isles over the eons? We did! And what do we get for it? Nothing!
Gossip Halt! I see through your disguise!

Any nearby Primalist Infiltrators will shed their disguise:

  • Primalist Infiltrator says: You cannot stop our cause!
  • Primalist Infiltrator says: You are but a pawn to the Aspects!
  • Primalist Infiltrator says: The jig is up! Get off me you knuckleheads! (three goblins in a "trenchcoat" hop off and attack!)
  • Primalist Infiltrator says: Wake up and see the truth!
  • Primalist Infiltrator says: We will find the stone!

The Revealing Dragon Eye can only see through disguises at short range (under 20 yards or so), so explore on foot, not from the air.

Turn in at the base of the tower, not up top.


  1. N [68-70] To Valdrakken or N [60-70] Thaldraszsus
  2. N [68-70] A Message Most Dire
  3. N [68-70] Nowhere to Hide & N [68-70] Eyes and Ears
  4. N [68-70] Southern Exposure
  5. N [68-70] Vengeance, Served Hot & N [68-70] The Fog of Battle
  6. N [68-70] Remember the Fallen, N [68-70] Slightly Used Weapons, & N [68-70] Tying Things Together
  7. N [68-70] Clear the Sky
  8. N [68-70] Where's The Chief?
  9. N [68-70] Fire Fighter
  10. N [68-70] Reporting In

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