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NeutralOath Breaker
Start Nerus Moonfang
End Nerus Moonfang
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Paladin Campaign
Class Paladin Paladin
Experience 1,650
Rewards Inv qirajidol life [Blessed Sculpture of Tyr]
1g 94s
Previous N Paladin [45] Felstone Destruction
Next N Paladin [45] Champion: Nerus Moonfang


Head to the Broken Shore and slay Oathbinder Zorak.


Many years ago I made a pact with a man I thought not to be unlike myself. His promise of protection seemed too good to be true, but it was a deal I was desperate to make.

It wasn't until I had signed in blood that the dreadlord Zorak revealed himself.

As long as he lives, my ancestors will remain bound to the Burning Legion, allowing our enemies to amass an army of unwilling soldiers.

Head to the Broken Shore and slay Oathbinder Zorak. His death will break the hold he has over my ancestors.


You will receive: 1g 94s
Inv qirajidol life [Blessed Sculpture of Tyr]


We must do whatever we can to break the curse that befalls my ancestors.


With Zorak dead, my ancestor's spirits can finally be free of their curse.



Return to Dalaran and fly to Vengeance Point in Broken Shore. Follow the broken steps that lead west and around into Crescent Ruins.

Although the Zorak is described as a dreadlord by Nerus Moonfang in the quest text, the former is actually an eredar.

Oathbinder Zorak
Oathbinder Zorak says: You will succumb to the Burning Legion. This I vow!
Oathbinder Zorak yells: Those bound to me chose this fate for themselves!
Oathbinder Zorak says: This... cannot be...


  1. N Paladin [45] Judgment Awaits
  2. N Paladin [45] Ancestors and Enemies
  3. N Paladin [45] Darkbinder Dilemma
  4. N Paladin [45] Moonfang Family Relics
  5. N Paladin [45] Runic Reading
  6. N Paladin [45] Felstone Destruction
  7. N Paladin [45] Oath Breaker & N Paladin [45] Ending the Crescent Curse
  8. N Paladin [45] Champion: Nerus Moonfang

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