- For the Halls of Valor boss encounter, see Odyn (tactics). For the Trial of Valor boss encounter, see Odyn (Trial of Valor tactics). For the Mechagon mechanical wolf, see Odyn (mechanical wolf).
![]() (Havi) | |
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Title |
All-Father,[1][2] Prime Designate[3] |
Gender | Male |
Race | Titanic watcher |
Reaction | Alliance Horde |
Affiliation(s) | Valarjar, Ulduar, Pantheon of Order |
Occupation | Keeper |
Former occupation(s) | Prime Designate of Azeroth |
Location | Various |
Status | Alive |
Relative(s) | Helya (surrogate daughter),[4] Thorim, Loken (sons)[5] |
Companion(s) | Huginn and Muninn (pets) |
“Remember: Life is nothing without Valor.”
- — Odyn
Odyn is one of the titan Keepers and the ruler of the Valarjar in the Halls of Valor. Once the Prime Designate of Azeroth, he was cursed by his daughter Helya to be trapped in the Halls of Valor along with his army.[6][7][8][9] Despite his curse, Odyn could still leave the halls in the form of a vrykul named Havi as shown repeatedly,[10][11] or under his true form in short bursts.[12]
Among the vrykul, Odyn is worshipped as a storm god[13][14] and the king of the gods.[15][16] He is stated to follow the Light by the Bronzebeard brothers, with his Val'kyr shieldmaidens being referred to as warriors of the Light.[17]

Odyn in World of Warcraft.
Odyn is one of the titan-forged who were empowered by the Pantheon and thus became Keepers. He led the titan-forged armies against the forces of the Old Gods. He was imbued with the powers of Aman'Thul. Together with Tyr, he battled and defeated Ragnaros the Firelord and devised the final plan to bring down Yogg-Saron.[18] For his leadership, determination and courage, he was granted the title of Prime Designate, leader of the titan-forged on Azeroth, and was tasked with watching Yogg-Saron's prison and maintaining the Forge of Wills. Odyn gifted Hymdall with the Gjallarhorn, and if it is sounded, the Keepers are oathbound to answer its call, as it signals that the end times are upon Azeroth.[5]
When the other Keepers decided to ask the Pantheon to empower the Dragon Aspects for their heroism against Galakrond, Odyn was vehemently against it, stating that only titan-forged could be trusted to defend Azeroth, as he did not trust the proto-dragons. He sought to create his own elite army, one of steadfast and valiant stature, and saw the vrykul to be the most desirable candidate for his army.[19] The Aspects were empowered despite his objections, and so Odyn took a section of Ulduar and raised it into the sky, creating the Halls of Valor, and in doing so relinquished his position of Prime Designate.[20] Odyn sacrificed his eye to Mueh'zala,[21] an ally of Zovaal the Jailer,[22] in exchange for the ability to peer into the Shadowlands.[23] When Odyn gazed into the Shadowlands, he saw the kyrian and was inspired by them to make something similar for himself.[24]
Odyn told the vrykul that those who died a worthy death in battle would have their spirits brought to the Halls and given new immortal bodies infused with the power of the storm to fight as his Valarjar, which Odyn thought would be better defenders than the dragons. In order to retrieve the spirits of the deceased, Odyn would need vrykul to volunteer to become Val'kyr - inspired by the Kyrian he had seen - and take those heroic vrykul spirits from the Shadowlands. The vrykul objected, and Odyn's adopted daughter, the titan-forged Helya, tried to talk him out of it. Instead, Odyn transformed Helya into the first Val'kyr and ordered her to do the job for him. Odyn would later lie to his followers that Helya's transformation had been due to her own arrogance: he claimed that during their argument, she had reached out for the power of the Shadowlands and subsequently gotten sucked into the realm, destroying her body and transforming her into a twisted wraith before he managed to pull her out and that she had subsequently apologized and begged him to make her a Val'kyr.[23]
Helya nursed resentment against Odyn for thousands of years, until the day Loken, a Keeper manipulated by Yogg-Saron, convinced her to turn against him.[25] Helya used the same magic that had been used to lock the Elemental Plane to seal Odyn and his Valarjar army inside the Halls of Valor, and then decided to take vrykul souls in her new realm Helheim. Helya would be replaced by Eyir as the leader of the Val'kyr, and Loken would go on to steal Odyn's title of Prime Designate.[8]

Odyn in his vrykul form, Havi.
At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, still trapped within the Halls of Valor, Odyn sent one of his Val'kyr to rescue a warrior champion from the brink of death. As this hero was not trapped in the Halls of Valor like Odyn and his Valarjar, the Keeper named them the leader of the Valarjar in the battle against the Burning Legion. Later, Odyn also tested the leaders of the class orders several times. The first time in disguise as Havi in Stormheim to test their valor, might and will in order to judge if they were worthy of crossing the Gates of Valor, then in a duel in the Halls of Valor to judge if they were worthy of wielding the [Aegis of Aggramar].
After it was discovered that Helya has learned to turn Odyn's Stormforged Valarjar into Kvaldir, Odyn decided that he has had enough of her games.[citation needed]
Under the disguise of Havi, Odyn was one of the order hall champions who met Khadgar and Velen at Krasus' Landing to discuss about the Pillars of Creation.[11]
At some point, Odyn invited the Huntmaster of the Unseen Path to attend the Night of the Wilds, an event where the spirits of beasts of legend rise in the Fields of the Eternal Hunt.[26] He also tested the Battlelord of his Valarjar as part of an annual trial to determine the strongest warrior in the land.[27]
Trial of Valor[]

Odyn's spear
In recent days, great heroes have arrived in the lands of Stormheim in the Legion's wake. Hoping that their might and determination could tip the scales and end Helya's reign, Odyn summoned these champions for a final test, the Trial of Valor.[28] The Keeper sought mortal champions to vanquish the ruler of Helheim his bitter nemesis, Helya, and secure his freedom.[29]
After Helya's defeat, the curse that bound Odyn to the Halls of Valor was at last broken. Odyn said that it had been ages since he last looked upon the halls of Ulduar and that perhaps he should visit his watcher kin.[30] The Valarjar also recovered her horn, capable of commanding the legions of kvaldir who were cursed beyond redemption. Odyn commanded the Battlelord to use the horn to direct kvaldir against key Legion targets on the Broken Shore.[31][32]
Battle for Azeroth[]
According to Valdemar Stormseeker, Odyn has heard about the Azerothian heroes' search for [Azerite], and his vrykul forces have gathered what they could during the Fourth War.[33]
During the war against the Jailer, several of Odyn's Val'kyr began to go missing, and even those sent to find them did not return. When an adventurer in the Maw found and freed Danica the Reclaimer, they returned to the Halls of Valor and revealed to Odyn that Helya was still alive and corrupting his Val'kyr into Mawsworn with the eye that he gave up long ago, now the Eye of the Jailer.[34]
Furious, Odyn declared that this "insult" could not stand and ordered the heroes to create an instrument, the Ilskahorn, with which they would lure his Eye to battle,[35] and to recruit a group of worthy Val'kyr to accompany Danica in battle.[36] After the heroes and Val'kyr managed to defeat the Eye, and forced it to flee back to its master's side in Torghast.[37] both Odyn and the Maw Walkers' allies rejoiced, emboldening their continued advance against Zovaal the Jailer.[38]
Notable appearances | ||||||||||
Location | Level range | Health range | ||||||||
Skyhold | 111 | 52,681,028 | ||||||||
Stormheim | 101 - 110 | 19,654,733 | ||||||||
Odyn (tactics) | ?? |
| ||||||||
Odyn (Trial of Valor tactics) | ?? |
| ||||||||
Helya's Throne (Trial of Valor) | ?? |
| ||||||||
![]() |
113 | 575,293,504 | ||||||||
![]() ![]() |
111 | 52,681,028 | ||||||||
Stormheim | 110 | 6,869,000 | ||||||||
![]() |
113 | 13,807,050 |
[10-45] Odyn and the Valarjar
[10-45] Weapons of Legend
[10-45] Legacy of the Icebreaker
[10-45] The Hunter of Heroes
[10-45] The Sword of Kings
[98-110] The Forgening
[10-45] More Weapons of Legend
[10-45] One More Legend
[10-45] Odyn's Summons
[10-45] Champions of Skyhold
[10-45] Preparing For War
[45D] Maw of Souls: Message to Helya
[45] Maw of Souls: Ymiron's Broken Blade
[45] Ulduar's Oath
[45] Demonic Runes
[45D] Black Rook Hold: Greater Power
[45] Will of the Valarjar
[45] Capturing the Gateway
[45] The Fate of Hodir
[45] A Hero's Weapon
[45] A Godly Invitation
[45] The Trial of Rage
[45R] Trial of Valor: Odyn's Favor
[45R] Trial of Valor: Odyn's Judgment
[45R] Trial of Valor: The Lost Army
- As the vrykul Havi
[10-45] The Ancient Trials
[10-45] Havi's Test
[10-45] Ahead of the Game
[10-45] The Blessing of the Watchers
[10-45] Will of the Thorignir
[10-45] The Trials Continue
[10-45] Speaking of Bones
[10-45] To Haustvald
[10-45] Paid in Lifeblood
[10-45] A Heavy Burden
[10-45] Knocking on Valor's Door
[10-45] Stormheim's Salvation
[10-45D] Halls of Valor: Securing the Aegis
[45] A Call to Action
[45] A Threat Rises
[45] Helya's Conquest
[45R] Trial of Valor: Odyn's Favor
[10-45] Remnants of the Past
[10-45] Scavenging the Shallows
[10-45] To Honor the Fallen
[10-45] Shadows in the Mists
[45D] Maw of Souls: Piercing the Mists
[100] The Mysterious Raven
[100] Challenge of Valor
[98 - 110] A Mysterious Summons

Odyn, Prime Designate signature art in Hearthstone.
- "Cleverness is useless without strength of arms!"[39]
- Great Mead Hall, Skyhold
You are my greatest weapon now, <name>.
As Havi[]
- Valdisdall
Weakness is never tolerated.
- Tideskorn Harbor initial
- Do you know what you see here, little outsider? It is the fate of the Tideskorn, once not so scorned by the tides.
- It was Helya, the foul sea-witch, whose wrath consumed their fleets, and whose foul mists broke the mightiest of the vrykul. The jarls had no choice but to give up the sea, for axe and sword do naught to slay mist and brine.
What do you know of the kvaldir?
- Helya's domain is to watch over the souls of the unworthy, while those who die in glory are sent to Odyn in the Gates of Valor, to train for the final battle. But Helya, she is a jealous witch, and cannot be sated with the souls she is given.
- Thus she made the kvaldir. Once mighty vrykul, now torn and corrupted by her foul magics. They serve her eternally, plundering the souls of the living to feed her unquenchable lust for death.
- They are a blight, outsider. Nothing more.
- Tideskorn Harbor later
The next task may be too perilous, even for you, little outsider. Return to me when you have fully honed your strength.
Only then would hou hope to survive the Naglfar.
- Greetings
- "What victories do you bring me?"
- "Have you brought valor to these halls?"
- "Tell me of your battles."
- "My Valarjar."
- Pissed
- "You'll think it less funny plummeted back to Azeroth..."
- "Want to try that from the bottom of my boot?"
- Farewell
- "Bring us tales of victory."
- "May your battles be glorious."
- "Go on my champion."
- "Remember: Life is nothing without Valor."
As Havi[]
- Greetings
- "This land is ancient."
- "You're here at last."
- "Listen well."
- "I've been expecting you."
- Pissed
- "Well, aren't you the eager one?"
- "That tickles."
- "Alright, alright, that's enough."
- "I will feed your eyes to the ravens!"
- Farewell
- "Walk with purpose."
- "See you again soon."
- "Seek your fate."
- "Goodbye then."
Notes and trivia[]
- Wielding
[Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire] may prompt a dialogue that results in Odyn killing the player.
- Odyn's molten beard is, in reality, a scar he earned during the battle against Ragnaros, the Firelord.[23]
- In the Seat of Ascension, Odyn is flanked by four vrykul kings; King Tor, King Bjorn, King Haldor, and King Ranulf. These are the four kings that King Ymiron called on in Utgarde Pinnacle.
- Keeper Odyn and Tyr were close since the former called him his brother.[40]
[Havi's Coin] can be fished up from the fountain in the
version of Dalaran.
- Odyn is a clear reference to the Norse god Odin.
- He possesses two ravens named Huginn and Muninn. In Norse myth, Huginn and Muninn belonged to Odin and flew across the world to bring him information.
- Similarly to how Odin gouged out one of his eyes in payment to drink from Mímir's wisdom-granting well, Odyn sacrificed one of his eyes to a spectral being in order to gain knowledge.[41]
- In the Legion alpha, he possessed a dragon named Slepnar, a reference to Odin's eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
- Odin was presented in myth as wise and grandfatherly, but also prone to amoral and ruthless actions if required. This is mirrored in events like Odyn's treatment of Helya.
- Odyn is voiced by Tony Amendola, while Havi is voiced by Jim Cummings.[42]
- Despite his original distrust for the dragonflights, Odyn's Valarjar use the storm drakes of Stormheim as mounts.
- The Odyn's Spear weapon model is also reused as a weapon model for Captain Fareeya and Lightforged Protectors.
- Odyn appears as a legendary warrior minion in the TITANS expansion. His flavor text reads: "The best offense is a good defense. 30 defense to be exact."
Trial by Fire in Hearthstone.
- Fan art
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.
See also[]
- ^
[10-45] Havi's Test
- ^
[Pauldrons of the All-Father]
- ^
[Edicts of the Prime Designate, Volume 742]
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 47
- ^ a b
[10-45] The Call of Battle
- ^ Odyn (Trial of Valor) - "[...] for millennia he has been confined to the Halls of Valor by the curse of his bitter nemesis, Helya."
Odyn yells: ENOUGH! Your worth is proven! With you as my champions, Helya will fall and I will at long last be free of the curse that binds me here. - ^ Dungeon Journal entry for Odyn (Halls of Valor) - "[...] he was betrayed by Loken and cursed by Helya, now trapped within these halls for eternity."
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 59 - "Helya called on the same powers she had used to secure the Elemental Plane in ages past. She bent the latent arcane energies swirling around Azeroth to her command, sealing off the Halls of Valor and the inhabitants within. Odyn and his mighty Valarjar struggled desperately to escape their floating citadel, but they could not break the impregnable barrier Helya created. There the Valarjar and the keeper would remain, trapped within the golden corridors of the Halls of Valor for ages to come."
- ^ Helya (Trial of Valor tactics) - "[...] the vengeful Helya will stop at nothing to ensure her ancient curse binds the titan keeper to the Halls of Valor."
Odyn yells: My ancient nemesis has been vanquished! The curse that bound me to the Halls of Valor is broken at last. - ^ At the beginning of
[10-45D] Halls of Valor: Securing the Aegis
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Legion - Patch 7.2 – The Tomb of Sargeras Trailer
- ^ In
[45] Helya's Conquest, an angry Havi briefly reverts to his true self as Odyn while in Valdisdall
- ^
[45] The Mead Master: Aegira says: Melba's Storm Brew was the rarest and most desired of her recipes. It was even said that the thunder god Odyn served this brew in his hall of champions.
- ^
[45D] Halls of Valor: The Brewmaster: "We need the use of a special cauldron, one owned by Odyn himself. This cauldron is located in none other than the Halls of Valor. There is only one way to enter this exalted place, and that is through the storm god's favor."
- ^
[45D] Halls of Valor: Jewel of the Heavens
- ^
[Thrymja, Ring of the Gods]
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 132
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 pg. 31, 37
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 155
- ^
[45] Ulduar's Oath
- ^ Mueh'zala yells: It be Mueh'zala who brought Helya to da Jailer's side... struck a deal for ol' Odyn's eye... and made da Banshee warchief with a whisper!
- ^ Steve Danuser and Frank Kowalkowski with The Lost Codex
- ^ a b c The Legend of Odyn
- ^ A deep dive into Bastion, the Shadowlands realm of selflessness and greater purpose
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 59
- ^
[45] Night of the Wilds
- ^
[45] The Trial of Rage
- ^ Trial of Valor#Adventure Guide
- ^ Odyn (Trial of Valor tactics)#Adventure Guide
- ^ Helya (Trial of Valor tactics)#Quotes
- ^
[45] Helya's Horn
- ^
[45] Resource Management
- ^
[10-50] Ring of the Reefs
- ^
[60] A Hate-Hate Relationship
- ^
[60] Fury Given Voice
- ^
[60] The Chosen Few
- ^
[60] Focusing the Eye
- ^
[60] Good News, Everyone!
- ^
[45WQ] Shock Absorber
- ^
[10-45] The Sword of Kings
- ^ The Legend of Odyn#The Keeper's Eye
- ^ Andrea Toyias on Twitter (2016-09-15). “and Havi is indeed played by the fabulous and legendary Jim Cummings. :) xxx”
External links[]
Odyn | Havi |