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NeutralOhn Seshteng
Image of Ohn Seshteng
Gender Female
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 62-65
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Ohn'ir,
Clan Shikaar (assigned)
Former affiliation(s) Clan Toghus (birth)
Location Timberstep Outpost[85.6, 20.8]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip and Maruukai,[63, 33.6]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Alive
Student(s) Windsage Kestan
Companion(s) Avvara (ohuna)

Ohn Seshteng is a centaur of Clan Ohn'ir serving as the spiritual advisor to Clan Shikaar in the Ohn'ahran Plains. She is first seen at her tent north of Timberstep Outpost as adventurers are introducing themselves to Shikaar who'll be joining the journey to the Khural at Maruukai. Seshteng is intrigued by the outsiders' arrival and says that she looks forward to learning more about them.[1] During the caravan's journey, Seshteng hears Ohn'ahra calling to her and asks the Shikaar to stop at a river crossing,[2] where she conducts a ritual and receives a dire omen from the Windmother.[3]

On arrival to Maruukai, Seshteng heads to the Ohn'ir pools to speak with her superior, Tigari Khan, about the omen.[4][5] Adventurers help them clarify the omen, revealing that Ohn'ahra is in danger of a betrayal, and Seshteng states that "Now is a time for allies".[6] She then remains standing in Tigari's tent.

Seshteng and her ohuna companion, Avvara, accompany Khanam Matra Sarest's army to the Emerald Gardens to aid the green dragonflight against the Primalists. She binds the adventurers' vision to Avvara as she scouts out the Primalists' Storm Corridor portal, but the eagle is killed moments later. Seshteng promises that her friend's sacrifice will not be in vain.[7]


Into the Plains
  1. N [62-65] Clan Ohn'ir Activequest
  2. N [62-65] Omens and Incense AvailablequestActivequest
Bonds Renewed



Main article: Making Introductions#Notes
Main article: Toward the City#Notes
Main article: By Broken Road#Notes
Main article: Omens on the Wind#Notes
Main article: Maruukai (quest)#Notes
Main article: Clan Ohn'ir (quest)#Notes
Main article: Omens and Incense#Notes
Main article: The Primalist Front#Notes


  • May Ohn'ahra's breath lift your spirit.
  • What news do you bring, outsider?
  • Who has the wind brought today?
  • <through gritted teeth> Ohn'ahra, give me strength.
  • Do your best.
  • Go with Ohn'ahra's blessing.
  • Off to your next adventure?


Ohn'ahra whispered of your arrival, traveler.
Gossip Are you of Clan Shikaar or Ohn'ir?
I was born of Clan Toghus, a clan that once held major power in the plains. As a foal I showed signs of a strong natural connection to Ohn'ahra. An honor as it was to be blessed by our Windmother, I left my clan behind to join Clan Ohn'ir.
With Clan Ohn'ir I found my new home. I trained to hone my connection to Ohn'ahra, rising through the ranks from initiate to windsage to my current rank, Ohn. We of Clan Ohn'ir are spread throughout the plains, found doing everything from maintaining singing stones to advising khans.
I currently have the honor of advising Sansok Khan with the windmother's[sic] words. One day I shall return to my clan and another shall take my place.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ N [62-65] Making Introductions
  2. ^ N [62-65] By Broken Road
  3. ^ N [62-65] Omens on the Wind
  4. ^ N [62-65] Maruukai
  5. ^ N [62-65] Clan Ohn'ir
  6. ^ N [62-65] Omens and Incense
  7. ^ N [62-65] The Primalist Front

External links[]
