- Oil of Ethereal Force
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Jaunt into etherealness, massively increasing your movement speed and rendering yourself invisible to most enemies. (5 Min Cooldown)
- Requires Ve'nari - Apprehensive
- 5 Charges
- "When you hold this vial of oil, your hand feels lighter."
- Sell Price: 1
Oil of Ethereal Force is sold by Ve'nari at her refuge in the Maw for 50 [Stygia], for players with an Apprehensive or higher standing with her.
During the beta, the item had the following flavor text: "This oil weakens the physical world's hold on you and propels you through the air."
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Added.