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For the Warcraft III mission, see Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc).
NeutralOld Hatreds
Start Baine Bloodhoof
End Baine Bloodhoof [33.3, 42.9]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 14,300
Rewards 84g 27s
Previous N [70] See Red
Next N [70] Case Closed



Jamoku was responsible for the attacks on the tauren and the death of Bovan Windtotem, among others.

Slay Jamoku.


<Baine is still breathing heavily from his recent battles.>

I will not leave... until Jamoku pays... for what he has done...

I will avenge Bovan... no matter the cost...


You will receive:

  • 84g 27s
  • 14,300 XP


Jamoku is dead, as are many of the centaur. We have avenged Bovan and the others.

<Baine grimaces as he touches a wound on his side.>

In hindsight, perhaps we should not have taken on the entire Nokhud army. Luckily, Tomul's timely arrival helped even the odds.

<Baine glances at Tomul.>

A centaur fighting to save a tauren... I never would have believed it.


On accept:

Baine Bloodhoof says: Come, <name>. Let us end this monster once and for all.
Baine runs off.

Find Jamoku outside the main forge of Nokhudon Hold and aggro him:

Jamoku says: More outsiders come to meet their fate!
Baine spawns and runs in.
Baine Bloodhoof says: This ends now, centaur!

Baine will tank. Get out of the frontal, but otherwise nuke the boss. Every now and then, Jamoku will summon a few elementals and go immune until the big one is defeated:

  • Jamoku says: The dragons shall fall! The Nokhud shall reign supreme!
  • Jamoku says: I have mastered the forbidden magics! Feel the might of the storm!

At 30%, Jamoku stuns Baine and the player and ends the fight:

Jamoku says: Enough of this! I will strike you down where you stand!

A cutscene plays:

Jamoku, storm magic in his right hand, lands a strike on Baine, bringing the tauren to his knees. As the centaur gets ready to strike, javelins fly in and distract him. Scout Tomul and two Shikaar rangers charge in, launching more projectiles. One of them strikes true, wounding Jamoku. In retaliation, the Nokhud centaur winds up his storm magic attack but Baine swings his mace, knocking Jamoku out.
Scout Tomul says: Well struck.
He turns to look at Tomul.
Baine Bloodhoof says: I... did not believe you would come.
Tomul crosses her arms.
Scout Tomul says: Honor is of great importance to my people.
Baine Bloodhoof says: Yes... as it is to mine.
Scout Tomul says: Come. Let us gather our dead.
Tomul and Baine walk away from Jamoku as the scene fades to black.

On the other side of the cutscene, Baine and the player are back at Bovan Windtotem's corpse, and Scout Tomul has appeared.

On complete, Baine has new gossip:

I will take Bovan back to his people. He deserves a proper funeral... and the Windtotem deserve the opportunity to say goodbye.

Before starting the next quest, so does Tomul:

<Tomul is somehow both expressionless and smug.>
What? Did you really think I would leave you to do this alone? I said I would get help and I got it.
After I left the Ohn'iri Springs, I went straight to Sansok Khan to rally the rangers. Few were available, but there were enough for a surgical strike into Nokhudon Hold.
<Tomul's expression turns grim.>
I lost two rangers on this rescue mission. Perhaps now Baine will know what our words are worth.


  1. N [70] A Debt That Must Be Paid
  2. N [70] Scars from the Past
  3. N [70] A Tomul-tuous Beginning
  4. N [70] The Search for Bovan Windtotem & N [70] Resupplying Supplies
  5. N [70] A Place of Refuge
  6. N [70] Delivering Bad News
  7. N [70] Pinewood Trail
  8. N [70] Joint Rescue Operation & N [70] A Proper Shikaar Send-Off
  9. N [70] Bovan's Last Hope
  10. N [70] Optimistic Mystic
  11. N [70] What Words Are Worth
  12. N [70] Desperate Rescue
  13. N [70] Saving Bovan Windtotem
  14. N [70] See Red
  15. N [70] Old Hatreds
  16. N [70] Case Closed
  17. N [70] Letting Go
  18. N [70] A Final Word

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