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AllianceOld MacDonald
Image of Old MacDonald
Title <Master Pet Tamer>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Westfall [60.8, 18.5]VZ-WestfallBlip
Status Alive
Companion(s) Teensy, Clucks, Foe Reaper 800

Old MacDonald is a master Pet Tamer located east of Jansen Stead in Westfall. He is surrounded by his three level 3 battle pets: Teensy, Clucks, and Foe Reaper 800.

Defeating him is required to complete the Alliance Achievement zone easternkingdoms 01 [Taming Eastern Kingdoms] achievement.


Flying Clucks
Peticon-flying Spell magic polymorphchicken [Flock]
Peticon-flying Inv misc birdbeck 01 [Peck]
Peticon-flying Ability hunter pet vulture [Squawk]
Mechanical Foe Reaper 8000
Peticon-mechanical Ability vehicle siegeengineram [Demolish]
Peticon-mechanical Inv misc desecrated plategloves [Metal Fist]
Peticon-mechanical Inv gizmo 03 [Overtune]
Critter Teensy
Peticon-critter Inv misc monsterclaw 01 [Flurry]
Peticon-critter Talentspec druid feral cat [Scratch]
Peticon-critter Spell deathknight iceboundfortitude [Survival]


Objective of[]


I had a farm once, but that was a long time ago. I prefer a good battle, don't you?

  • Old MacDonald says: Clean them up, Foe Reaper 800!
  • Old MacDonald says: I knew I made the right choice when I took this up!
  • Old MacDonald says: I've found it sometimes helps to change things up a bit.
  • Old MacDonald says: If only my wife were here to see this. I'm going to win!
  • Old MacDonald says: Maybe I can still get my old farm back...
  • Old MacDonald says: Now's as good a time as any, I suppose.
  • Old MacDonald says: There's plenty more where that came from!


Patch changes[]

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