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Image of Omi
Gender Female
Race Vulpera (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Voldunai, Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Alchemist, Scout
Location Court of Zak'rajan, Vol'dun;[45.4, 46.2]VZ-Vol'dunBlip Dragonscale Basecamp, Waking Shores
Status Alive

Omi is a vulpera quest giver located on the western outskirts of the Court of Zak'rajan in Vol'dun alongside Kenzou and Tacha. She "can't spit dust" when it comes to magic, but claims to be able to mix poisons and potions with the best of them.[1] It's her job to scout out the ruins to identify threats and figure out the best way in for the scavenger crew.[2]

When an adventurer arrives at the Court of Zak'rajan, Omi asks them to gather stomachs from the local ranishu.[1] She then informs them that the majority of the valuable weaponry in the Court of Zak'rajan is stored in two storehouses guarded by two powerful specters, and asks them to kill the spirits so she can ransack the supplies.[2] Finally, she, Kenzou, Tacha, and the adventurer confront Zak'rajan the Undying in his throne room and defeat him, after which they grab as much loot as they can before returning to their wagon outside the ruins.[3]

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Omi traveled to Orgrimmar where she was recruited into the Dragonscale Expedition and traveled to the Dragon Isles. She can be found sitting with Kenzou at the Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores.


During H [30-60] An Army's Arsenal and H [30-60] Zandalari Treasure Trove
  • Ability stealth Stealth — Puts the caster in stealth mode. Lasts until cancelled.
During Zandalari Treasure Trove
  • Ability rogue shadowstrikes Double Strike — Strikes the target with both weapons, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Ability rogue dualweild Venomous Shiv — Stabs the target with an envenomed blade, inflicting Nature damage and additional Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.



Main article: Ranishu Are Resources#Notes
Main article: An Army's Arsenal#Notes
Main article: Zandalari Treasure Trove#Notes
On initial approach
Kenzou says: This ruin's loaded with treasure. We take our time and do this right.
Omi says: Weapons out. Someone's approaching...
Court of Zak'rajan
Take what you can, whenever you can, from whoever you can.
Dragonscale Basecamp
You know Pathfinder Jeb, right? What do you think he keeps in that secret pocket in his backpack?
You know, the one with the special lock that he never opens when anyone else is around.
You don't know what I'm talking about? Fine, I'll open it myself...
For Horde players who quested in Vol'dun
Good to see you again, <name>.
Jamboya and the rest of his crew send their regards. Not first mate anymore, though.
CAPTAIN Jamboya and the rest used the treasures of Zem'lan to buy their own ship, sailing the seas again.
I sailed to a few ports with 'em. You would've liked it.... or maybe not.
Remind me how you feel about stealing again?

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ a b H [30-60] Ranishu Are Resources
  2. ^ a b H [30-60] An Army's Arsenal
  3. ^ H [30-60] Zandalari Treasure Trove

External links[]

Normal Zandalari Treasure Trove Unused