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For the second version, see N [51-60] Assessing Your Strength.
NeutralOn Your Level
Start Pelagos
End Pelagos
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Bastion
Experience 8,050
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] All Part of the Process
Next N [50] A Hero In Life


Defeat the 3 Preatorian Sparring Assistants.


Are you interested in a bit of a challenge, <name>?

You see, while all souls that come to Bastion lived a life of service, not all of them did so in a way that required picking up a weapon. Some, like myself, learn the ways of combat in this yard.

To test ourselves, we created three praetors that each represent a greater challenge than the last. I've only managed to best Epilon once! I dare not try my hand against Straticus.

I'm curious to see how you fare. I bet you can defeat them all!


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 8,050 XP


Oh! You did it! Wow... I am impressed. I have so very much to learn, still, and here you are! Something tells me you will overcome whatever we put before you.


Archilon says: Challenge Accepted. Initiating level one training protocol.
Archilon says: Training protocol completed. Terminating combat sequence.
Archilon says: Challenge Accepted. Initiating level two training protocol.
Archilon says: Training protocol completed. Terminating combat sequence.
Archilon says: Challenge Accepted. Initiating level three training protocol.
Archilon says: Training protocol completed. Terminating combat sequence.


  1. N [51-60] Welcome to Eternity
  2. N [50] The Sacred Covenant
  3. N [50] You Are Expected
  4. N [50] The Fate You Earned
  5. N [50] An Eternity of Service
  6. N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Etherwyrms & N [50] The Cycle of Anima: Adrima's Lily & N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Drought Conditions & N [51-60] Suggested Reading
  7. N [51-60] The Work of One's Hands
  8. N [50] All Part of the Process
  9. N [50] The Silence of Combat & N [50] On Your Level
  10. N [50] A Hero In Life
  11. Aspirant's Reflection
  12. N [51-60] The First Cleansing
  13. N [50] One of Us
  14. N [50] A Well Earned Rest
  15. N [51-60] The Temple of Purity
  16. N [50] A Temple In Need & N [51-60] On the Edge of a Revelation
  17. N [50] The Missing Acolyte
  18. N [51-60] Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend

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