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For the Pet Battle quest, see N [1-70] On The Mend.
NeutralOn the Mend
Start Rexxar [44.3, 61.6]VZ-GorgrondBlip
End Nisha [45.9, 54.9]VZ-GorgrondBlip
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 14100
Rewards Inv ringwod 8b [Steamfury Signet]
or Inv ringwod 4 [Steamfury Seal]
or Inv ringwod d3 1 [Steamfury Loop]
or Inv ringwod 5c [Steamfury Band]
or Inv ringwod 8 [Steamfury Ring]
18g 90s
Previous N [15-40] Cauterizing Wounds
Next B [15-40] Is This One of Yours?


Recover 100 Quenching Waters from Steamfury elementals.


Nisha will heal.

This ordeal has taken a toll on her. She needs water and rest.

I will bring her to my camp and make her comfortable.

Will you meet us there with some fresh water?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv ringwod 8b [Steamfury Signet] Inv ringwod 4 [Steamfury Seal]
Inv ringwod d3 1 [Steamfury Loop] Inv ringwod 5c [Steamfury Band]
Inv ringwod 8 [Steamfury Ring]

You will also receive:

  • 23g 10s
  • 600 XP


<Nisha raises her head.>


<Nisha laps up the water.>


Pick up N [15-40] Basilisk Butcher before heading out. After picking up both quests, Rexxar carries Misha on his back and stalks off to the north.

This is a good time to sneak off to the southwest to do B [15-40] A Rediscovered Legend.

Kill water furies and basilisks, then head north to reach Breaker's Crown.


  1. B [15-40] Rage and Wisdom
  2. Complete both:
  3. B [15-40] We Have Company
  4. N [15-40] Cauterizing Wounds
  5. Complete both:
  6. B [15-40] Is This One of Yours?
  7. Complete all of:
  8. A [15-40] What's Under There? / H [15-40] Xuk It!
  9. Complete all of:
  10. N [15-40] Eye in the Sky
  11. B [15-40] Chains of Iron

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