- "Slime" redirects here. For the battle pet ability, see

An ooze in Hearthstone.
Oozes (also known as slimes) are a type of mindless slime creatures. They are known to adapt to their environments, taking on aspects of their surroundings, which may account for the variety of oozes seen on Azeroth and beyond.[1] Many of them have bones integrated into their bodies, with skulls being used as their head.
Smaller oozes are sometimes known as oozelings.
No one knows what their motivations are or if there is any specific ecology behind their existence. An unproven and unpopular theory belonging to Laris Geardawdle is that oozes and slimes are tied to the creation of Azeroth, almost like a secretion of the planet.[2]
First War[]
- Main article: Slime (Warcraft I)

Slime art in the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual.
These slimes seek to eat the blood of the living. No magic could have created these crawling masses, but yet they exist. They seem attracted to the heat of living bodies, and will seep through even the tightest armor to drain into the pores of their victims' skin and sap them of strength and life.[3] They have no intelligence and drain heat as food. No magical properties have been found to exist within the slime, but nature is often a magik unto itself.[4]
Night of the Dragon[]
In Night of the Dragon, a group of dwarves encounter an ooze in the Wetlands. The creature is attacked by one of the dwarves, but as the dwarf's axe sinks into the ooze, the dwarf falls onto it and is sucked in. Their leader Rom tried to save him, but in moments, the dwarf's head was already turned into a skull, and they could see the thick beard begin to wither and dissolve. The victim could only twitch once as he was being dissolved to death.[5]
The mass of oozes apparently can douse flaming arrows, unless the flame is fueled by oil, which will turn it into an inferno and kill them. Its mass will then also feed the flames. When faced with such an assault, other oozes will try to escape into water.[6]
World of Warcraft[]
In Felwood slimes are found all around pools of water blessed by the touch of Fel. The Scourge decimated the area with attacks of infernals and other demonic magics—the slimes supposedly crept up through the earth during these attacks.[7] The adventurer could take a sample of slime from Felwood and place some of it into the various tubes and beakers on the table. As things begin to boil and spurt, the slime changes colors.[8]
According to Chemist Fuely, the slimes in Un'Goro Crater seem to be elemental in nature, but also something more. He stated that they remind him of the Old Gods.[9]
The Burning Crusade[]
In Outland, the felblood of the annihilan Aggonar spawned slimes at the Pools of Aggonar.[10]
Wrath of the Lich King[]
Hierophant Thayreen's ancestors once planted a tree in the middle of the Grizzly Hills. It was called Vordrassil and it was to become a world tree. For reasons long forgotten, after the tree was fully grown, they decided it needed to be destroyed. Its giant trunk splintered at three locations in the area to the north. Where the tree touched the ground, foul ooze began to crawl the earth.[11] This slime is foul with a darkness far more ancient than their worldly forms would indicate. The land itself has a memory of this evil for as long as it has existed.[12] Eventually, the spirit of Ursoc stated the druids of old were wise to tear down Vordrassil, for its roots seep deep into the dwelling of an ancient evil. He then warned that the Old God Yogg-Saron's evil extended past Vordrassil's roots.[13]

A tauren possessed by a slime.
Following the Cataclysm, the Forsaken apothecary Winna Hazzard at Bloodvenom Post researched ways to use the demonic ooze here against the Alliance. However, with her experiments on the slimes, she transformed all the inhabitants of Bloodvenom Post into Bloodvenom Slimeslaves, except for Altsoba Ragetotem.[14]
Battle for Azeroth[]
During Black Empire assaults caused by N'Zoth, as well as in Ny'alotha, Old God slimes often with many eyes inside were seen.

A Slime giant in Maldraxxus.
The House of Plagues of Maldraxxus relies on slimes for their experimentation and creating slime constructs at Plague Watch. After the fall of the House of Plagues, many Maldraxxi were turned into slime giants, including Margrave Stradama who had managed to maintain her mind. Mad Mortimer performed an experiment that successfully turned him into two slime constructs and one slime.[15][16] Other cases of slimes in Maldraxxus are animated flesh in the House of Constructs.
In Revendreth, the muck pools where dredgers are made can generate muck slimes.
The following items are commonly dropped by oozes.
[Oozing Bag] – level 53-62 oozes, usually contains potions, herbs, or the occasional
[Disgusting Oozeling]
[Scum Covered Bag] – level 45-53 oozes, usually contains potions, or herbs
[Broken Weapon]
[Decomposed Boot]
[Gelatinous Goo] – also dropped by maggots and worms
[Large Slimy Bone]
[Lifeless Skull]
[Slimy Ichor] – also dropped by maggots and worms
Chet the Slime-Breeder
King Slime
Scrapper Minoire
Spirit of Koosu
The Direglob
The Ongar
The Brue
The Rot
Acidic Bile
Acidic Globule
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Angry Blight Slime
Animated Gold
Animated Plague Slime
Black Ooze
Black Slime (removed)
Black Tar
Blistering Oozeling
Blistering Rot
Blood of Iso'rath
Blood of the Old God
Blood of the Old God
Blood of Y'Shaarj
Cloned Ectoplasm
Cloned Ooze
Coagulated Fel
Cobalt Globule
Corrosive Sap Beast
Corrosive Swamp Ooze
Creeping Ooze
Creeping Oozeling
Crimson Globule
Cursed Ooze
Dark Globule
Devouring Ectoplasm
Entropic Ooze
Evolving Ectoplasm
Former Intern
Fel Ooze
Fel Slime
Flowing Honey
Foul Slime
Frothing Tideblood
Gargantuan Ooze
Gas Cloud
Glowing Globule
Glob of Viscidus
Glutinous Ooze
Green Sludge
Ichor of Y'Shaarj
Irradiated Slime
Jade Ooze
Lesser Sha Puddle
Living Corruption
Living Fluid
Malignant Ooze
Mouth of Terror
Muculent Ooze
Nightmare Ectoplasm
Noxious Slime
Plague Slime
Primal Ooze
Putrid Sludge
Quivering Blob
Quivering Blood
Rotting Slime
Rotting Sludge
Sap Beast
Shadowed Globule
Silty Oozeling
Slavering Ooze
Sulfuric Ooze
Tainted Ooze
Toxic Sludge
Vile Slime
Viscous Horror
Viscous Oil
- Red blood type Lava type
- Amber type Brown type Void types
As a companion pet[]
- Animated Cruor can be caught from pet battles in Maldraxxus.
[Bottle of Gloop] is caught from fishing in schools in the level 50 versions of Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
[Bubbling Pustule] has a chance to drop from Slime-Coated Crates.
[Bucket of Primordial Sludge] has a chance to drop from Bog Beast in Revendreth.
[Dark Quivering Blob] has a chance to drop from Primordius in Throne of Thunder on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
[Disgusting Oozeling] has a chance to drop from Oozing Bags.
[Echoing Oozeling] has a chance to drop from
[Irradiated Box of Assorted Parts].
[Filthy Bucket] has a chance to drop from Gol'than the Malodorous in Tol Dagor.
[Half-Empty Food Container] has a chance to drop from Quivering Filth in Ihgaluk Crag on the Isle of Thunder.
[Invertebrate Oil] has a chance to drop from Oily Invertebrate from the Pool of Mixed Monstrosities in Maldraxxus.
[Iridescent Ooze] drops from the Plaguefallen Chest in Maldraxxus.
[Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawn] drops from Netherspawn in Nagrand.
- Plagueborn Slime is rewarded from
[53-60] Slime, Anyone? in Maldraxxus..
[Quivering Blob] has a chance to drop from Primordius on Raid Finder difficulty.
[Shy Melvin] has a chance to drop from Deadly Dapperling in Maldraxxus.
- Sticky Oozeling can be caught from pet battles in Nazmir.
- Swirling Black Bottle has a chance to drop from Corrupted Chests in a Horrific Vision of N'Zoth.
[Viscidus Globule] has a chance to drop from
Viscidus in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.
In the RPG[]

Sludge in Manual of Monsters.
An ooze is a mindless, amorphous, or mutable creature. They are also blind. Some oozes have the ability to deal acid damage to objects. Oozes eat and breathe but do not sleep.[17]
- Black ooze
- Gelatinous cube[18]
- Primal ooze
- Sludge
- At one point during Wrath of the Lich King, there was a bug which caused the Spirit of Koosu to be considered a tameable hunter pet of the crocolisk family.
- Rogues can pickpocket them.
- In World of Warcraft, most oozes are considered either aberrations or elementals. Only the elemental ones can be tracked by hunters.
- There are types of azerite elemental, mercury elemental, slag elemental and water elemental that have the same appearance as an oozeling.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
The appearance of oozes appears to possibly be correlated to the presence of Old Gods (and thus, potent Void energies) on a planet, as speculated by Chemist Fuely.[9] In Outland's Shadowmoon Valley, ooze mobs called the Black Blood of Draenor are found in the Netherwing Mines. This is reminiscent of how saronite is often referred to as the "Black Blood of Yogg-Saron". On alternate Draenor, it is stated that the appearance of oozes also referred to as the "Black Blood of Draenor" is a result of the Void's influence on the planet becoming more pronounced.[19] Thus, it can be speculated that Outland's Black Bloods appeared due to the attempted summoning of an unnamed Old God a short distance away by the Dark Conclave, which was thwarted by adventurers in [25-30] Thwart the Dark Conclave.
- Hearthstone
- Heroes of the Storm
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): Oozes once considered uncategorized are now classified as Aberrations and Elementals.
See also[]
- ^
[15-30] A Little Slime Goes a Long Way
- ^
[15-30] A Little Slime Goes a Long Way
- ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Creatures of the Land, Slime
- ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Monster Descriptions, Slime
- ^ Night of the Dragon, pg. 71-72
- ^ Night of the Dragon, pg. 72
- ^
[52] A Sample of Slime...
- ^
[52] Testing for Corruption - Felwood
- ^ a b
[56] ... and a Batch of Ooze
- ^
[10-30] The Pools of Aggonar
- ^
[15-30] The Failed World Tree
- ^
[15-30] Vordrassil's Fall
- ^
[15-30G3] Ursoc, the Bear God
- ^
[15-30] The Tainted Ooze
- ^
[60] Mad Mortimer
- ^
[60W] Path of Ascension: Artemede's Challenge
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 196
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 160
- ^
Vile Bloods