- 10
- Operation: Shieldwall Campaign
- Complete the Operation: Shieldwall storylines listed below.
- Criteria:
- Lion's Landing
- The Man With a Thousand Faces
- The Voice of the Gods
- Jaina's Hope
- The Korune
- Heart of the Alliance
- Secrets of the Past
- The Divine Bell
- The Purge of Dalaran
- An Ancient Ally
- In Search of Harmony
- Breath of Darkest Shadow
Operation: Shieldwall Campaign is a alliance-only quest achievement earned for completing the listed Operation: Shieldwall story lines. Adventurers will need to get to exalted with Operation: Shieldwall to complete this achievement, which will take a week or two.
- Main article: Operation: Shieldwall quests
The quests all unlock at various reputation levels with Operation: Shieldwall, listed on the main article.
- [15-35] Lion's Landing (Lion's Landing)
- [15-35] Stirred, Not Shaken (The Man With a Thousand Faces)
- [15-35] He Won't Even Miss It (The Voice of the Gods)
- [15-35] The Fate of Dalaran (Jaina's Hope)
- [15-35] The Source of Korune Power (The Korune)
- [15-35] Heart Of The Alliance (Heart of the Alliance)
- [15-35] Memory Wine (Secrets of the Past)
- [15-35] The Divine Bell (The Divine Bell)
- [15-35] What Had To Be Done (The Purge of Dalaran)
- [15-35] The Greatest Prank (An Ancient Ally)
- [15-35] The Handle, [15-35] The Head, [15-35] The Harmonic Ointment (In Search of Harmony)
- [15-35] The Silence (Breath of Darkest Shadow)
See also[]
- The Horde counterpart is [Dominance Offensive Campaign].
Patch changes[]
- Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Renamed from Operation: Shieldwall to Operation: Shieldwall Campaign.
- Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): Added.