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Alchemy icon WoW Icon update Alchemy (Profession)
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Alchemy recipes
By skill

Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

By type

Battle Elixirs
Guardian Elixirs

Outland proficiency Alchemy proficiency can be trained as early as level 50, permits progression up to 75 skill, and access to the following recipes:

The following skill levels have not been updated following the Battle for Azeroth profession destacking.

Master Alchemy Recipes that Trainers Teach
Recipe Reagents Skill Color Gold to Train
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Elixir of Major Strength
1x Inv potion 147 [Elixir of Major Strength]
1x Inv misc herb mountainsilversage [Mountain Silversage]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
305 320 325 335 ?g
Elixir of Healing Power
1x Inv potion 142 [Elixir of Healing Power]
1x Inv misc herb sansamroot [Golden Sansam]
1x Inv misc herb dreamingglory [Dreaming Glory]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
310 325 330 340 ?g
Unstable Mana Potion
1x Inv potion 75 [Unstable Mana Potion]
2x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
310 325 330 340 ?g
Elixir of Mastery
1x Inv potion 111 [Elixir of Mastery]
2x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
310 325 330 340 ?g
Elixir of Major Fortitude
1x Inv potion 158 [Elixir of Major Fortitude]
2x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
310 325 330 340 ?g
Elixir of Draenic Wisdom
1x Inv potion 155 [Elixir of Draenic Wisdom]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
320 335 340 350 ?g
Mad Alchemist's Potion
1x Inv potion 28 [Mad Alchemist's Potion]
2x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
320 335 340 350 ?g
Earthen Elixir
1x Inv potion 154 [Earthen Elixir]
1x Inv misc herb dreamingglory [Dreaming Glory]
2x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
320 335 340 350 ?g
Super Healing Potion
1x Inv potion 131 [Super Healing Potion]
2x Inv misc herb netherbloom [Netherbloom]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
325 340 345 355 ?g
Mercurial Stone
1x Inv misc gem lionseye 01 [Mercurial Stone]
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
1x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
1x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
Req.: Alchemy Lab
325 340 345 355 ?g
Master Alchemy Recipes that a Vendor Sells (Except Rep Rewards)
Recipe Reagents Skill Color Gold to Buy Sold By
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Elixir of Camouflage]
1x Inv potion 150 [Elixir of Camouflage]
1x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
305 320 325 335 3g Alliance Alchemist Gribble <Grand Master Alchemist> in Honor Hold

Alliance Altaa <Alchemy Supplier> in The Exodar
Horde Apothecary Antonivich <Grand Master Alchemist> in Thrallmar
Horde Daga Ramba <Potions> in Thunderlord Stronghold
Horde Melaris <Alchemy Supplier> in Silvermoon City

Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Sneaking Potion]
1x Inv potion 110 [Sneaking Potion]
2x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
315 330 335 345 3g Alliance Leeli Longhaggle <Trade Goods> in Allerian Stronghold

Horde Seer Janidi <Reagent Vendor> in Zabra'jin

Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Frost Power]
1x Inv potion 148 [Elixir of Major Frost Power]
2x Inv elemental mote water01 [Mote of Water]
1x Inv misc herb ancientlichen [Ancient Lichen]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
320 335 340 350 4g Alliance Haalrun <Alchemy Supplies> in Telredor

Alliance Noraani <Reagent Merchant> in Telredor
Horde Seer Janidi <Reagent Vendor> in Zabra'jin

Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Elixir of Ironskin]
1x Inv potion 159 [Elixir of Ironskin]
1x Inv misc herb ancientlichen [Ancient Lichen]
1x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
330 345 350 360 2 Halaa Research Token Alliance Quartermaster Davian Vaclav in Halaa

Horde Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe in Halaa

Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Super Mana Potion]
Inv potion 137 [Super Mana Potion]
2x Inv misc herb dreamingglory [Dreaming Glory]
1x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
340 355 360 370 5g Alliance Haalrun <Alchemy Supplies> in Telredor

Horde Daga Ramba <Potions> in Thunderlord Stronghold

Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Defense]
1x Inv potion 122 [Elixir of Major Defense]
3x Inv misc herb ancientlichen [Ancient Lichen]
1x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
345 360 365 375 5g Alliance Haalrun <Alchemy Supplies> in Telredor

Horde Daga Ramba <Potions> in Thunderlord Stronghold

Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Might]
1x Spell nature lightningoverload [Primal Might]
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
1x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
1x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
1x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
350 365 370 380 8g Alliance Altaa <Alchemy Supplier> in The Exodar

Horde Melaris <Alchemy Supplier> in Silvermoon City
Neutral Skreah <Alchemy Supplies> in Shattrath City

Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion]
1x Inv potion 139 [Major Dreamless Sleep Potion]
1x Inv misc herb dreamingglory [Dreaming Glory]
1x Inv misc herb nightmarevine [Nightmare Vine]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
350 365 370 380 3g Alliance Leeli Longhaggle <Trade Goods> in Allerian Stronghold

Horde Daga Ramba <Potions> in Thunderlord Stronghold

Master Alchemy Recipes that Require Faction Reputation
Recipe Reagents Skill Color Reputation Required
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility
1x Inv potion 127 [Elixir of Major Agility]
1x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
2x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
330 345 350 360 AllianceHonor Hold (Honored)
HordeThrallmar (Honored)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Shrouding Potion]
Inv potion 144 [Shrouding Potion]
3x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv misc herb netherbloom [Netherbloom]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
335 350 355 365 Sporeggar (Exalted)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Firepower]
1x Inv potion 146 [Elixir of Major Firepower]
2x Inv elemental mote fire01 [Mote of Fire]
1x Inv misc herb ancientlichen [Ancient Lichen]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
345 360 365 375 Scryers (Revered)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Transmute Earthstorm Diamond]
1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond]
3x Inv misc gem deepperidot 03 [Deep Peridot]
3x Inv misc gem ebondraenite 03 [Shadow Draenite]
3x Inv misc gem goldendraenite 03 [Golden Draenite]
2x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
2x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
350 365 370 380 Cenarion Expedition (Honored)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond]
1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond]
3x Inv misc gem bloodgem 03 [Blood Garnet]
3x Inv misc gem flamespessarite 03 [Flame Spessarite]
3x Inv misc gem azuredraenite 03 [Azure Moonstone]
2x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
2x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
350 365 370 380 AllianceHonor Hold (Honored)
HordeThrallmar (Honored)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Earth to Water]
1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Sporeggar (Revered)
Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
1x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 ??? ??? ??? AllianceKurenai (Revered)
HordeThe Mag'har (Revered)
Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air] 1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Cenarion Expedition (Revered)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion]
5x Inv potion 127 [Major Nature Protection Potion]
1x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
1x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
5x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
360 370 375 385 Cenarion Expedition (Exalted)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Assassin's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell nature healingway [Assassin's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell holy pureofheart [Alchemist Stone]
6x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
2x Inv elemental mote nether [Nether Vortex]
375 ? ? ? Shattered Sun Offensive (Exalted)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Guardian's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell nature healingway [Guardian's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell holy pureofheart [Alchemist Stone]
6x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
2x Inv elemental mote nether [Nether Vortex]
375 ? ? ? Shattered Sun Offensive (Exalted)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell nature healingway [Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell holy pureofheart [Alchemist Stone]
6x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
2x Inv elemental mote nether [Nether Vortex]
375 ? ? ? Shattered Sun Offensive (Exalted)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Redeemer's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell nature healingway [Redeemer's Alchemist Stone]
1x Spell holy pureofheart [Alchemist Stone]
6x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
2x Inv elemental mote nether [Nether Vortex]
375 ? ? ? Shattered Sun Offensive (Exalted)
Master Alchemy Recipes that Creatures Drop
Recipe Reagents Skill Color Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Insane Strength Potion]
1x Inv potion 109 [Insane Strength Potion]
3x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
320 335 340 350 Rare World Drop
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Elixir of the Searching Eye]
1x Inv potion 135 [Elixir of the Searching Eye]
2x Inv misc herb ragveil [Ragveil]
1x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
325 340 345 355 Rare World Drop
Inv scroll 05 [Recipe: Fel Strength Elixir]
1x Inv potion 152 [Fel Strength Elixir]
1x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
2x Inv misc herb nightmarevine [Nightmare Vine]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
335 350 355 365 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Shadow Council Warlock
Mo'arg Weaponsmith

Inv scroll 05 [Recipe: Fel Regeneration Potion]
1x Inv potion 140 [Fel Regeneration Potion]
2x Inv misc herb felweed [Felweed]
3x Inv misc herb nightmarevine [Nightmare Vine]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
345 360 365 375 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Deathforge Guardian
Deathforge Smith
Deathforge Imp
Deathforge Tinkerer

Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Heroic Potion]
1x Inv potion 106 [Heroic Potion]
2x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
1x Inv misc herb ancientlichen [Ancient Lichen]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
350 365 370 380 Rare World Drop
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Haste Potion]
1x Inv potion 108 [Haste Potion]
2x Inv misc herb terrocone [Terocone]
1x Inv misc herb netherbloom [Netherbloom]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
350 365 370 380 Rare World Drop
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Destruction Potion]
1x Inv potion 107 [Destruction Potion]
2x Inv misc herb nightmarevine [Nightmare Vine]
1x Inv misc herb netherbloom [Netherbloom]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
350 365 370 380 Rare World Drop
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Mageblood]
1x Inv potion 151 [Elixir of Major Mageblood]
1x Inv misc herb ancientlichen [Ancient Lichen]
1x Inv misc herb netherbloom [Netherbloom]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
355 370 375 385 Rare World Drop
Inv scroll 05 [Recipe: Fel Mana Potion]
1x Inv potion 138 [Fel Mana Potion]
1x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
2x Inv misc herb nightmarevine [Nightmare Vine]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
360 370 375 385 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Eclipsion Archmage
Eclipsion Cavalier
Eclipsion Centurion
Eclipsion Soldier

Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Major Arcane Protection Potion]
5x Inv potion 128 [Major Arcane Protection Potion]
1x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
1x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
5x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
360 370 375 385 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Vir'aani Arcanist

Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Major Fire Protection Potion]
5x Inv potion 124 [Major Fire Protection Potion]
1x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
1x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
5x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
360 370 375 385 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Nethermancer Sepethrea
Sunseeker Astromage

Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Major Frost Protection Potion]
5x Inv potion 126 [Major Frost Protection Potion]
1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
1x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
5x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
360 370 375 385 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Nexus-Prince Shaffar

Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Major Holy Protection Potion]
5x Inv potion 125 [Major Holy Protection Potion]
1x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
5x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
360 370 375 385 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Abyssal Flamebringer

5x Inv potion 123 [Major Shadow Protection Potion]
1x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
3x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
5x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
360 370 375 385 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Shadow Council Warlock

Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Elixir of Empowerment]
1x Inv potion 136 [Elixir of Empowerment]
1x Inv misc herb netherbloom [Netherbloom]
1x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
365 375 380 390 Rare World Drop
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Ironshield Potion]
1x Inv potion 133 [Ironshield Potion]
2x Inv misc herb ancientlichen [Ancient Lichen]
3x Inv elemental mote earth01 [Mote of Earth]
1x Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
365 375 380 390 BoP Recipe Dropped By:

Captain Skarloc

Master Alchemy Recipes that Alchemists Discover
Recipe Reagents Skill Color Discover While Crafting
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Transmute: Primal Fire to Mana
1x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
1x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Any Burning Crusade Recipe
Transmute: Primal Mana to Fire
1x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
1x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Any Burning Crusade Recipe
Transmute: Primal Earth to Life
1x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Any Burning Crusade Recipe
Transmute: Primal Life to Earth
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
1x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Any Burning Crusade Recipe
Transmute: Primal Shadow to Water
1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
1x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Any Burning Crusade Recipe
Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow
1x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
1x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
Req.: Philosopher's Stone
Cooldown: 24 hours
350 365 370 380 Any Burning Crusade Recipe
Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection
1x Inv misc cauldron arcane [Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection]
2x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
7x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
360 370 375 385 Inv potion 128 [Major Arcane Protection Potion]
Cauldron of Major Fire Protection
1x Inv misc cauldron fire [Cauldron of Major Fire Protection]
2x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
7x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
360 370 375 385 Inv potion 124 [Major Fire Protection Potion]
Cauldron of Major Frost Protection
1x Inv misc cauldron frost [Cauldron of Major Frost Protection]
2x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
7x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
360 370 375 385 Inv potion 126 [Major Frost Protection Potion]
Cauldron of Major Nature Protection
1x Inv misc cauldron nature [Cauldron of Major Nature Protection]
2x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
7x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
360 370 375 385 Inv potion 127 [Major Nature Protection Potion]
Cauldron of Major Shadow Protection
1x Inv misc cauldron shadow [Cauldron of Major Shadow Protection]
2x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
7x Inv misc herb manathistle [Mana Thistle]
1x Inv gizmo felironcasing [Fel Iron Casing]
360 370 375 385 Inv potion 123 [Major Shadow Protection Potion]