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Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting (Profession)
Ingredients  •  Inv misc gem bloodgem 01 [Prospecting]  •  Proficiencies  •  Quests  •  Designs  •  Trainers  •  Equipment
Jewelcrafting designs

Classic Bc icon
Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Outland proficiency Jewelcrafting can be trained as early as level 50, permits progression up to 75 skill, and access to the following designs:

Note: The following skill levels have not been updated following the Battle for Azeroth profession destacking.

Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv misc gem bloodgem 02 [Bold Blood Garnet] Gem 1x Inv misc gem bloodgem 03 [Blood Garnet] 305 305 325 345 Trainer
Inv misc gem bloodgem 02 [Delicate Blood Garnet] Gem 1x Inv misc gem bloodgem 03 [Blood Garnet] 305 305 325 345 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Delicate Blood Garnet]
Inv misc gem deepperidot 02 [Jagged Deep Peridot] Gem 1x Inv misc gem deepperidot 03 [Deep Peridot] 305 305 325 345 Trainer
Inv misc gem ebondraenite 02 [Purified Shadow Draenite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem ebondraenite 03 [Shadow Draenite] 305 305 325 345 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Purified Shadow Draenite]
Inv misc gem flamespessarite 02 [Reckless Flame Spessarite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem flamespessarite 03 [Flame Spessarite] 305 305 325 345 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Reckless Flame Spessarite]
Inv jewelry necklace 35 [Necklace of the Diamond Tower] Necklace 2x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
2x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
2x Inv jewelcrafting thoriumsetting [Thorium Setting]
305 315 325 335 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Necklace of the Diamond Tower]
Inv jewelry ring 39 [Fel Iron Blood Ring] Ring 2x Inv misc gem bloodgem 03 [Blood Garnet]
1x Inv ingot feliron [Fel Iron Bar]
305 320 330 340 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 60 [Golden Draenite Ring] Ring 2x Inv misc gem goldendraenite 03 [Golden Draenite]
1x Inv ingot feliron [Fel Iron Bar]
305 320 335 350 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 41 [Band of Natural Fire] Ring 4x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
4x Spell nature abolishmagic [Living Essence]
1x Inv misc gem flamespessarite 03 [Flame Spessarite]
310 320 330 340 Trainer
Inv misc gem ebondraenite 02 [Glinting Shadow Draenite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem ebondraenite 03 [Shadow Draenite] 315 315 335 355 Trainer
Inv misc gem deepperidot 02 [Regal Deep Peridot] Gem 1x Inv misc gem deepperidot 03 [Deep Peridot] 315 315 335 355 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] (Alliance)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] (Horde)
Inv misc gem azuredraenite 02 [Stormy Azure Moonstone] Gem 1x Inv misc gem azuredraenite 03 [Azure Moonstone] 315 315 335 355 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Stormy Azure Moonstone]
Inv misc gem goldendraenite 02 [Subtle Golden Draenite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem goldendraenite 03 [Golden Draenite] 315 315 335 355 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Subtle Golden Draenite]
Inv jewelry ring 50naxxramas [Azure Moonstone Ring] Ring 2x Inv misc gem azuredraenite 03 [Azure Moonstone]
1x Inv ingot feliron [Fel Iron Bar]
1x Inv misc gem deepperidot 03 [Deep Peridot]
320 330 340 350 Trainer
Inv misc gem goldendraenite 02 [Smooth Golden Draenite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem goldendraenite 03 [Golden Draenite] 325 325 325 345 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Smooth Golden Draenite]
Inv misc gem azuredraenite 02 [Sparkling Azure Moonstone] Gem 1x Inv misc gem azuredraenite 03 [Azure Moonstone] 325 325 325 345 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Sparkling Azure Moonstone]
Inv misc gem pearl 08 [Purified Jaggal Pearl] Gem 1x Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl]
1x Inv drink waterskin 12 [Purified Draenic Water]
325 325 332 340 Trainer
Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite] Crafting material 4x Inv misc powder adamantite [Adamantite Powder]
1x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
325 325 335 345 Trainer
Inv misc gem ebondraenite 02 [Shifting Shadow Draenite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem ebondraenite 03 [Shadow Draenite] 325 325 335 355 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Shifting Shadow Draenite]
Inv misc gem flamespessarite 02 [Deadly Flame Spessarite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem flamespessarite 03 [Flame Spessarite] 325 325 340 355 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Deadly Flame Spessarite]
Inv misc gem flamespessarite 02 [Potent Flame Spessarite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem flamespessarite 03 [Flame Spessarite] 325 325 340 355 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Potent Flame Spessarite]
Inv misc gem azuredraenite 02 [Rigid Azure Moonstone] Gem 1x Inv misc gem azuredraenite 03 [Azure Moonstone] 325 325 340 355 Trainer
Inv misc gem ebondraenite 02 [Sovereign Shadow Draenite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem ebondraenite 03 [Shadow Draenite] 325 325 340 355 Trainer
Inv misc gem ebondraenite 02 [Veiled Shadow Draenite] Gem 1x Inv misc gem ebondraenite 03 [Shadow Draenite] 325 325 340 355 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Veiled Shadow Draenite]
Inv jewelry ring 05 [Brilliant Pearl Band] Ring 8x Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl]
2x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
325 335 345 355 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 16 [The Black Pearl] Ring 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
1x Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Shadow Pearl]
330 340 350 360 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 59 [Heavy Adamantite Ring] Ring 1x Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
335 345 355 365 Trainer
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas [Thick Adamantite Necklace] Necklace 2x Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
335 345 355 365 Trainer
Inv jewelry necklace 03 [Necklace of the Deep] Necklace 10x Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl]
3x Inv elemental mote water01 [Mote of Water]
1x Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Shadow Pearl]
340 340 355 370 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 64 [Heavy Felsteel Ring] Ring 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
345 355 365 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Heavy Felsteel Ring]
Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 03 [Bold Living Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bold Living Ruby]
Inv misc gem diamond 03 [Brilliant Glass] Other 3x Inv misc gem azuredraenite 03 [Azure Moonstone]
3x Inv misc gem bloodgem 03 [Blood Garnet]
3x Inv misc gem deepperidot 03 [Deep Peridot]
350 350 365 380 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 03 [Brilliant Living Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Brilliant Living Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Deadly Noble Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 02 [Noble Topaz] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Deadly Noble Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 03 [Delicate Living Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Delicate Living Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 03 [Flashing Living Ruby] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Flashing Living Ruby]
Inv jewelcrafting talasite 03 [Forceful Talasite] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Forceful Talasite]
Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Glinting Nightseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Glinting Nightseye]
Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Inscribed Noble Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 02 [Noble Topaz] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Inscribed Noble Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting talasite 03 [Jagged Talasite] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Jagged Talasite]
Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 03 [Mystic Dawnstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystic Dawnstone]
Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Potent Noble Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 02 [Noble Topaz] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Potent Noble Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Purified Nightseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Purified Nightseye]
Inv misc gem pearl 07 [Purified Shadow Pearl] Gem 1x Inv drink waterskin 12 [Purified Draenic Water]
1x Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Shadow Pearl]
350 350 365 380 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 03 [Quick Dawnstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Quick Dawnstone]
Inv jewelcrafting talasite 03 [Radiant Talasite] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Radiant Talasite]
Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Reckless Noble Topaz] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 02 [Noble Topaz] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Reckless Noble Topaz]
Inv jewelcrafting talasite 03 [Regal Talasite] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Regal Talasite]
Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 03 [Rigid Star of Elune] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Rigid Star of Elune]
Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Shifting Nightseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shifting Nightseye]
Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 03 [Smooth Dawnstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Smooth Dawnstone]
Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 03 [Solid Star of Elune] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Solid Star of Elune]
Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Sovereign Nightseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sovereign Nightseye]
Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 03 [Sparkling Star of Elune] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sparkling Star of Elune]
Inv jewelcrafting talasite 03 [Steady Talasite] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Steady Talasite]
Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 03 [Stormy Star of Elune] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stormy Star of Elune]
Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 03 [Subtle Dawnstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Subtle Dawnstone]
Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Timeless Nightseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Timeless Nightseye]
Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Veiled Nightseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye] 350 350 365 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Veiled Nightseye]
Inv misc gem 03 [Dark Jade Focusing Lens] Other 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 360 370 380 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Khorium Band of Shadows] Ring 3x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
3x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
350 360 370 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Khorium Band of Shadows]
Inv misc gem 01 [Shadow Crystal Focusing Lens] Other 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 370 380 390 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Accurate Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 22 [Bold Bloodstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 22 [Brilliant Bloodstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Champion's Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Deadly Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Deadly Huge Citrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Defender's Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Defender's Shadow Crystal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Deft Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 22 [Delicate Bloodstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Energized Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Etched Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Fierce Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 22 [Flashing Bloodstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Forceful Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Glinting Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Guardian's Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Inscribed Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Jagged Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Lightning Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Lucent Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Lucent Huge Citrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Misty Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Mysterious Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Mysterious Shadow Crystal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 21 [Mystic Sun Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Mystic Sun Crystal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Nimble Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Nimble Dark Jade]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Potent Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 22 [Precise Bloodstone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Purified Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Purified Shadow Crystal]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 21 [Quick Sun Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Radiant Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Radiant Dark Jade]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Reckless Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Reckless Huge Citrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Regal Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Resolute Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Resplendent Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Resplendent Huge Citrine]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 24 [Rigid Chalcedony] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Shattered Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Shattered Dark Jade]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Shifting Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 21 [Smooth Sun Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 24 [Solid Chalcedony] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Sovereign Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 24 [Sparkling Chalcedony] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Stalwart Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Steady Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Steady Dark Jade]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 24 [Stormy Chalcedony] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Stormy Chalcedony]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 21 [Subtle Sun Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Timeless Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 19 [Turbid Dark Jade] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Turbid Dark Jade]
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Veiled Shadow Crystal] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal] 350 375 395 415 Trainer
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Willful Huge Citrine] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine] 350 375 395 415 Inv scroll 06 [Design: Willful Huge Citrine]
Inv misc gem 02 [Shadow Jade Focusing Lens] Other 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade]
1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal]
350 380 390 400 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 25 [Bloodstone Band] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 12 [Bloodstone]
2x Inv elemental crystal earth [Crystallized Earth]
350 380 400 420 Trainer
Inv jewelry necklace 16 [Crystal Chalcedony Amulet] Necklace 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 10 [Chalcedony]
2x Inv elemental crystal earth [Crystallized Earth]
350 380 400 420 Trainer
Inv jewelry necklace 03 [Crystal Citrine Necklace] Necklace 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 09 [Huge Citrine]
2x Inv elemental crystal earth [Crystallized Earth]
350 380 400 420 Trainer
Inv misc gem pearl 10 [Enchanted Pearl] Gem 1x Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Northsea Pearl]
1x Inv misc dust infinite [Infinite Dust]
350 380 400 420 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 21 [Sun Rock Ring] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting gem 08 [Sun Crystal]
2x Inv elemental crystal earth [Crystallized Earth]
350 380 400 420 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 35 [Earthshadow Ring] Ring 2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 11 [Shadow Crystal]
1x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
350 390 405 420 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 34 [Jade Ring of Slaying] Ring 2x Inv jewelcrafting gem 07 [Dark Jade]
1x Inv elemental eternal earth [Eternal Earth]
350 390 405 420 Trainer
Inv jewelry ring 57 [Khorium Band of Frost] Ring 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
3x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
355 365 372 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Khorium Band of Frost]
Inv jewelry ring 61 [Khorium Inferno Band] Ring 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
3x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
355 365 372 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Khorium Inferno Band]
Inv jewelry ring 65 [Delicate Eternium Ring] Ring 5x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
1x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
355 365 375 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Delicate Eternium Ring]
Inv jewelry necklace 15 [Living Ruby Pendant] Necklace 4x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
1x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
355 365 375 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Living Ruby Pendant]
Inv jewelry necklace 17 [Thick Felsteel Necklace] Necklace 3x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
355 365 375 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Thick Felsteel Necklace]
Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 02 [Blood of Amber] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 360 365 370 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Blood of Amber]
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Crimson Sun] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby] 360 365 370 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Crimson Sun]
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Don Julio's Heart] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby] 360 365 370 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Don Julio's Heart]
Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 02 [Facet of Eternity] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 360 365 370 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Facet of Eternity]
Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 02 [Falling Star] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune] 360 365 370 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Falling Star]
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Kailee's Rose] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby] 360 365 370 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Kailee's Rose]
Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 02 [Stone of Blades] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone] 360 365 370 375 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stone of Blades]
Inv jewelry necklace 28 [Eye of the Night] Necklace 2x Inv ingot adamantite [Hardened Adamantite Bar]
2x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
1x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Eye of the Night]
Inv jewelry ring 56 [Khorium Band of Leaves] Ring 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
3x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Khorium Band of Leaves]
Inv jewelry necklace 36 [Pendant of Frozen Flame] Necklace 6x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
4x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Frozen Flame]
Inv jewelry necklace 33 [Pendant of Shadow's End] Necklace 6x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
4x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Shadow's End]
Inv jewelry necklace 34 [Pendant of Thawing] Necklace 6x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
4x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Thawing]
Inv jewelry necklace 32 [Pendant of the Null Rune] Necklace 8x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of the Null Rune]
Inv jewelry necklace 31 [Pendant of Withering] Necklace 6x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
4x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
1x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Withering]
Inv jewelry ring 68 [Ring of Arcane Shielding] Ring 8x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
2x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
360 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ring of Arcane Shielding]
Inv jewelry necklace 07 [Braided Eternium Chain] Necklace 3x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
360 370 377 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Braided Eternium Chain]
Inv jewelry ring 63 [Arcane Khorium Band] Ring 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
3x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
365 370 375 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Arcane Khorium Band]
Inv jewelry ring 55 [Blazing Eternium Band] Ring 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
4x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
2x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Blazing Eternium Band]
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Bracing Earthstorm Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Bracing Earthstorm Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Brutal Earthstorm Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Brutal Earthstorm Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Chaotic Skyfire Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Chaotic Skyfire Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Destructive Skyfire Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Destructive Skyfire Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Insightful Earthstorm Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Mystical Skyfire Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystical Skyfire Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Powerful Earthstorm Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Powerful Earthstorm Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Relentless Earthstorm Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Relentless Earthstorm Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Swift Skyfire Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Swift Skyfire Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Thundering Skyfire Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] 365 375 377 380 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Thundering Skyfire Diamond]
Inv jewelry necklace 30 [Amulet of Flowing Life] Necklace 6x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
6x Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 01 [Seaspray Emerald]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Amulet of Flowing Life]
Inv jewelry necklace ahnqiraj 02 [Chain of the Twilight Owl] Necklace 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
2x Inv misc gem azuredraenite 03 [Azure Moonstone]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Chain of the Twilight Owl]
Inv crown 01 [Crown of the Sea Witch] Cloth 20x Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Jaggal Pearl]
12x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
3x Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Shadow Pearl]
365 375 380 385 Trainer
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas [Embrace of the Dawn] Necklace 4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv misc gem goldendraenite 03 [Golden Draenite]
2x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Embrace of the Dawn]
Inv jewelry ring 55 [Hard Khorium Band] Ring 20x Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
12x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
5x Spell nature elementalshields [Sunmote]
4x Inv ingot thorium [Hardened Khorium]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Hard Khorium Band]
Inv jewelry necklace 35 [Hard Khorium Choker] Necklace 9x Inv elemental primal nether [Primal Nether]
6x Inv ingot thorium [Hardened Khorium]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Hard Khorium Choker]
Inv jewelry ring 35 [Loop of Forged Power] Ring 12x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
5x Spell nature elementalshields [Sunmote]
4x Inv ingot thorium [Hardened Khorium]
4x Spell nature lightningoverload [Primal Might]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Loop of Forged Power]
Inv jewelry necklace 30 [Pendant of Sunfire] Necklace 12x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
3x Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 01 [Crimson Spinel]
3x Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 01 [Empyrean Sapphire]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Pendant of Sunfire]
Inv jewelry ring 35 [Ring of Flowing Life] Ring 20x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
12x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
5x Spell nature elementalshields [Sunmote]
4x Inv ingot thorium [Hardened Khorium]
365 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Ring of Flowing Life]
Inv misc gem diamond 07 [Ember Skyfire Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 05 [Skyfire Diamond] 370 375 377 380 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Ember Skyfire Diamond]
Inv misc gem diamond 06 [Eternal Earthstorm Diamond] Meta gem 1x Inv misc gem diamond 04 [Earthstorm Diamond] 370 375 377 380 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Eternal Earthstorm Diamond]
Inv crown 02 [Circlet of Arcane Might] Cloth 20x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
20x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
5x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv jewelcrafting starofelune 02 [Star of Elune]
370 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Circlet of Arcane Might]
Inv crown 01 [Coronet of Verdant Flame] Cloth 20x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
20x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
5x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite]
370 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Coronet of Verdant Flame]
Inv jewelcrafting truesilvercrab [Figurine - Dawnstone Crab] Trinket 4x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
4x Inv misc gem goldendraenite 03 [Golden Draenite]
2x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone]
370 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Dawnstone Crab]
Inv jewelcrafting truesilverboar [Figurine - Felsteel Boar] Trinket 8x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
4x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
2x Inv misc gem bloodgem 03 [Blood Garnet]
370 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Felsteel Boar]
Inv jewelcrafting rubyserpent [Figurine - Living Ruby Serpent] Trinket 4x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 02 [Living Ruby]
370 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Living Ruby Serpent]
Inv jewelcrafting blackpearlpanther [Figurine - Nightseye Panther] Trinket 6x Inv ingot adamantite [Hardened Adamantite Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 02 [Nightseye]
2x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
370 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Nightseye Panther]
Inv jewelcrafting jadeowl [Figurine - Talasite Owl] Trinket 4x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
2x Inv jewelcrafting talasite 02 [Talasite]
2x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
370 375 380 385 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Talasite Owl]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Bold Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Bold Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Brilliant Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Brilliant Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Delicate Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Delicate Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Flashing Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Flashing Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye03 [Mystic Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystic Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Precise Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Precise Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye03 [Quick Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Quick Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye04 [Rigid Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Rigid Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye03 [Smooth Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Smooth Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye04 [Solid Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Solid Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye04 [Sparkling Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Sparkling Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye04 [Stormy Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stormy Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye03 [Subtle Dragon's Eye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye01 [Dragon's Eye] 370 390 415 440 Inv scroll 05 [Design: Subtle Dragon's Eye]
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Bold Crimson Spinel] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 01 [Crimson Spinel] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Bold Crimson Spinel]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Bold Crimson Spinel]
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Brilliant Crimson Spinel] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 01 [Crimson Spinel] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Brilliant Crimson Spinel]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Brilliant Crimson Spinel]
Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 02 [Deadly Pyrestone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 01 [Pyrestone] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Deadly Pyrestone]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Deadly Pyrestone]
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Delicate Crimson Spinel] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 01 [Crimson Spinel] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Delicate Crimson Spinel]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Delicate Crimson Spinel]
Inv jewelcrafting rubyserpent [Figurine - Crimson Serpent] Trinket 8x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
8x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
2x Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 01 [Crimson Spinel]
375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Crimson Serpent]
Ability hunter pet turtle [Figurine - Empyrean Tortoise] Trinket 8x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
6x Inv jewelcrafting dawnstone 02 [Dawnstone]
2x Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 01 [Empyrean Sapphire]
375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Empyrean Tortoise]
Inv jewelcrafting truesilverboar [Figurine - Khorium Boar] Trinket 8x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
8x Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
2x Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 01 [Pyrestone]
375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Khorium Boar]
Inv qirajidol obsidian [Figurine - Seaspray Albatross] Trinket 8x Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
8x Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
2x Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 01 [Seaspray Emerald]
375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Seaspray Albatross]
Inv jewelcrafting blackpearlpanther [Figurine - Shadowsong Panther] Trinket 8x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
4x Inv ingot adamantite [Hardened Adamantite Bar]
2x Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 01 [Shadowsong Amethyst]
375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Shadowsong Panther]
Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Flashing Crimson Spinel] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 01 [Crimson Spinel] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Flashing Crimson Spinel]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Flashing Crimson Spinel]
Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 02 [Forceful Seaspray Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 01 [Seaspray Emerald] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Forceful Seaspray Emerald]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Forceful Seaspray Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 02 [Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 01 [Shadowsong Amethyst] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 02 [Inscribed Pyrestone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 01 [Pyrestone] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Inscribed Pyrestone]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Inscribed Pyrestone]
Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 02 [Jagged Seaspray Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 01 [Seaspray Emerald] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Jagged Seaspray Emerald]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Jagged Seaspray Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 02 [Mystic Lionseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 01 [Lionseye] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Mystic Lionseye]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Mystic Lionseye]
Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 02 [Potent Pyrestone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 01 [Pyrestone] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Potent Pyrestone]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Potent Pyrestone]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 02 [Purified Shadowsong Amethyst] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 01 [Shadowsong Amethyst] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Purified Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Purified Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 02 [Quick Lionseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 01 [Lionseye] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Quick Lionseye]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Quick Lionseye]
Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 02 [Radiant Seaspray Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 01 [Seaspray Emerald] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Radiant Seaspray Emerald]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Radiant Seaspray Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 02 [Reckless Pyrestone] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 01 [Pyrestone] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Reckless Pyrestone]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Reckless Pyrestone]
Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 02 [Regal Seaspray Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 01 [Seaspray Emerald] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Regal Seaspray Emerald]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Regal Seaspray Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 02 [Rigid Empyrean Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 01 [Empyrean Sapphire] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Rigid Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Rigid Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 02 [Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 01 [Shadowsong Amethyst] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 02 [Smooth Lionseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 01 [Lionseye] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Smooth Lionseye]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Smooth Lionseye]
Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 02 [Solid Empyrean Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 01 [Empyrean Sapphire] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Solid Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Solid Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 02 [Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 01 [Shadowsong Amethyst] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 02 [Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 01 [Empyrean Sapphire] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 02 [Steady Seaspray Emerald] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting seasprayemerald 01 [Seaspray Emerald] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Steady Seaspray Emerald]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Steady Seaspray Emerald]
Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 02 [Stormy Empyrean Sapphire] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 01 [Empyrean Sapphire] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Stormy Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Stormy Empyrean Sapphire]
Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 02 [Subtle Lionseye] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting lionseye 01 [Lionseye] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Subtle Lionseye]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Subtle Lionseye]
Inv jewelry ring 70 [The Frozen Eye] Ring 6x Inv elemental primal fire [Primal Fire]
6x Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: The Frozen Eye]
Inv jewelry ring 69 [The Natural Ward] Ring 6x Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
6x Inv elemental primal life [Primal Life]
4x Spell arcane arcanepotency [Mercurial Adamantite]
2x Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: The Natural Ward]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 02 [Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 01 [Shadowsong Amethyst] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 02 [Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst] Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting pyrestone 01 [Pyrestone] 375 375 380 385 Inv scroll 04 [Design: Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst]
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Veiled Shadowsong Amethyst]