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AllianceOutrigger Outfitters
Start Rosaline Madison
End Rosaline Madison
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [60] Stand Fast
Next A [60] Masking For a Friend & A [60] Gunpowder Plots & A [60] Free Plumeria!


Recover 10 Outrigger Weapons.


My people met the Horde head on when they arrived, but we've been scattered over the wharf. The Horde has been relentless. We haven't been able to form a solid resistance force using just our fists as weapons.

But now the Lord Admiral is here with the champion of the Alliance. That's just the spark we need to rise up and kick these sorry mongrels out of our lands. If you can get my men some weapons, they'll join the fight!

Find those weapons and meet me back here. I'm working on a plan.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


For Kul Tiras! For the Lord Admiral!


Now that my people are able to fight back, I have a plan to help stop more of these savages from fouling up my nice wharf.


  1. A [60] The Calm Before
  2. A [60] To Anglepoint
  3. A [60] Stand Fast
  4. A [60] Zero Zeppelins & A [60] Squad Goals & A [60] Repel the Horde! & A [60] Besieged Allies & A [60] Outrigger Outfitters
  5. A [60] Masking For a Friend & A [60] Gunpowder Plots & A [60] Free Plumeria!
  6. A [60] Shots Fired
  7. A [60] Stopping the Sappers
  8. A [60] Express Delivery
  9. A [60] War Marches On

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