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MobOverseer Idra'kess
Image of Overseer Idra'kess
Gender Male
Race Naga lord (Humanoid)
Level Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Idra'kess, Nazjatar Empire
Location Various
Status Killable Cataclysm

Overseer Idra'kess is a naga located in on upper-tier inside Nespirah in Shimmering Expanse. He is in charge of the Nespirah pearl mining operation and plans to use her as a giant war beast for the naga.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Shimmering Expanse 80 27,670
Shimmering Expanse 80 - 81 276,700


  • Ability racial bloodrage Battle Roar — Increases physical damage dealt by nearby party members for 1 min.
  • Inv misc shovel 02 Heave — Deals damage and tosses the target over the caster's shoulder.
  • Ability warrior charge Serpentine Lunge — Charges an enemy.


Overseer Idra'kess (shield)

Idra'kess is guarded by two Idra'kess Mistresses. When attacked, these two will place a powerful shield over him, and both must be slain for it to disappear. While you fight them, though, Idra'kess will not attack, as he is channeling a spell to awaken Nespirah. After the shield breaks, Idra'kess will engage you. He isn't particularly strong but has a great amount of health. However, once he reaches 50% health, Nespirah will begin secreting fluids to harm him. Lure him into the red Nespirah Fluids that will begin appearing, and they will explode on contact with him, dealing great amounts of damage.

Objective of[]


Main article: Overseer Idra'kess (quest)#Notes
Main article: By Her Lady's Word#Notes
Main article: At All Costs#Notes


Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2010-12-08): Overseer Idra'kess's yell can now only be seen if a player is within range of him.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links[]
