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NeutralPages of History
Pages of History
Infested books
Start Lorewalker Stonestep [56.3, 60.4]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
End Lorewalker Stonestep [56.3, 60.4]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 110,000
Rewards Item level 384 boots
9g 80s
Previous N [10-35] The Librarian's Quandary
Next N [10-35] Everything In Its Place


Pages of History - Bookworms




Search through the library books for infestations, then squash 12 Bookworms.


The worst possible thing has happened, <race>.

We. Have. Bookworms.

This is a critical situation. All bookworms in the library must be eradicated at once to prevent their spread.

We must squash this problem, literally! Please examine the infested books in the library and squash any bookworms that you find.


Depending on your class and specialization you will get one of the following items:
Inv boots cloth panda b 02 [Ambermist Treads] Inv boots leather panda b 02 [Blackthicket Footguards]
Inv boots mail panda b 02blue [Jade Witch Sabatons] Inv boot plate panda b 01 [Glass Lake Greaves]
Inv boots cloth panda b 02 [Silkwood Treads] Inv boots leather panda b 02 [Deepwoods Boots]
Inv boots mail panda b 02blue [Fox Grove Sabatons] Inv boot plate panda b 01 [Thunderwood Warboots]
Inv boot plate panda b 01 [Jade Tiger Warboots]

You will also receive: 9g 80s


My stomach is too fragile to handle the squashing of bugs. Is it done?


Oh, wonderful! I am so relieved that we have managed to avert disaster.

No no, don't get too close, please. You still have some squashed bug bits on your shoes.


  • 110,000 XP


Pick up N [10-35] Moth-Ridden before getting started. Inspect any Infested Books. A large number of bookworms will pop out. Rather than kill them normally, click them to do a huge amount of damage. Kill the moths normally.


Optional breadcrumb: A [10-35] In Search of Wisdom / H [10-35] Dawn's Blossom

  1. N [10-35] Welcome to Dawn's Blossom
  2. N [10-35] The Double Hozen Dare & N [10-35] Down Kitty!
  3. N [10-35] The Jade Witch
  4. N [10-35] All We Can Spare
  5. N [10-35] I Have No Jade And I Must Scream
  6. N [10-35] Mann's Man
  7. N [10-35] Trapped!
  8. N [10-35] What's Mined Is Yours
  9. N [10-35] The Serpent's Heart
  10. N [10-35] Love's Labor
  11. N [10-35] The Temple of the Jade Serpent
  12. Complete all of:
    1. N [10-35] The Librarian's Quandary
    2. N [10-35] Moth-Ridden & N [10-35] Pages of History
    3. N [10-35] Everything In Its Place
  13. N [10-35] The Jade Serpent

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