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HordePandaren Prisoners
Pandaren Prisoner
A Pandaren Prisoner
Start Elder Shiao
End General Nazgrim
Level 20-35
Category Kun-Lai Summit
Experience 129000
Rewards 10g 20s
Previous H [20-35] Round 'Em Up, H [20-35] Mogu?! Oh No-gu!, H [20-35] Deanimate the Reanimated, H [20-35] Back to Eastwind Rest
Next H [20-35] Cho's Missive, H [20-35] Muskpaw Ranch, H [20-35] The Missing Merchant, H [20-35] The Shado-Pan, N [25-35] Beyond the Wall
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-35] Pandaren Prisoners.


Free 8 Pandaren Prisoners.


Look, I know the Horde needs recruits, and there's just not enough of us here right now to make a fighting presence of this town.

But I know that the yaungol over at Fire Camp Ordo, to the northwest, have taken many of my people as prisoners. And I also know that if you would be willing to rescue them from their captivity, they'd more than likely be willing to join the Horde.

What do you say, <name>?


You will receive: 10g 20s


Please, they need your help! Go, rescue them.


Well, it looks like we've got ourselves a little army, here, thanks to you.

They may not look like much yet, but a little Horde discipline and we'll have them in fighting shape in no time.

By the way, <name>... good work.


  • 129000 XP


Pick up H [20-35] In Tents Channeling and H [20-35] Barrels of Fun before heading out.

Start freeing pandaren and looting barrels. The barrels are unique, so pick one up, run it to a oil rig, place it, and run away and repeat. The four yaungol are found in tents marked by fire lines exiting their central poles. When the fourth yaungol is dead, In Tents will complete automatically. Turn it in and pick up H [20-35] The Ordo Warbringer, then go kill Ordo Warbringer before heading back.

Upon completion
General Nazgrim yells: Alright, recruits! Thanks to <name>, we're going to reclaim Kun-Lai summit from the Yaungol and make it safe again. For the Horde!
Horde Trainee yells: For the Horde! (lots of)
General Nazgrim says: You've done great work here, friend. We should have a strong base of operations here going forward - see if anyone else needs your help.


Optional breadcrumb: A [20-35] Hero's Call: Kun-Lai Summit!/H [20-35] Warchief's Command: Kun-Lai Summit! (optional), B [20-35] The Road to Kun-Lai
Optional side quests: N [20-35] Robbing Robbers of Robbers, N [20-35] Educating Saurok, N [20-35] The Spring Drifter

  1. N [20-35] Call Out Their Leader & N [20-35] Hit Medicine & N [20-35] All of the Arrows
  2. A [20-35] Admiral Taylor has Awakened / H [20-35] General Nazgrim has Awakened
  3. A [20-35] Westwind Rest / H [20-35] Eastwind Rest
  4. B [20-35] Challenge Accepted
  5. Complete all of:
    1. B [20-35] Trouble on the Farmstead
    2. N [20-35] Farmhand Freedom & N [20-35] ... and the Pot, Too!
    3. A [20-35] Back to Westwind Rest / H [20-35] Back to Eastwind Rest
  6. Complete all of:

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

There are more prisoners that need your help.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
