The Paraxis from Hope's Landing.
The Paraxis was a Legion command ship that is summoned periodically in the Antoran Wastes, bombarding players who are not protected from locations given by the Army of the Light or the Vindicaar. The Paraxis is destroyed at the end of the encounter of Eonar in Antorus, the Burning Throne.
When the Paraxis summoning begins, a three minute warning is called:
- The Paraxis is arriving soon!
- Alleria Windrunner yells: The Paraxis is returning soon! Army of the Light, set up your shields!
Once the Paraxis has arrived:
- The Paraxis has arrived! Run for cover!
- Alleria Windrunner yells: The Paraxis is here! Take cover under the shields!
The ship exits the portal and will then follow its path from the building to the south, toward the Vindicaar, then turn for the building to the west to end the event.
The Paraxis just arrived in the Antoran Wastes.
The Paraxis in Antorus.
- Doing pet battles does not make you invulnerable to the Paraxis. This may be a bug.[1]
Patch changes[]
Hotfix (2017-09-05): The Paraxis now fires at player locations, allowing players to avoid the damage from the effect.
Patch 7.3.0 (2017-08-29): Added.