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KyrianParting Words
Start Kleia [39.9, 59.0]VZ-RevendrethBlip
End Mikanikos [46.7, 57.2]VZ-Elysian HoldBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Kyrian Campaign
Experience 950
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] The Folly of Envy
Next N [60] The Seal of Contrition


Speak to the Curator at Sanctuary of the Mad, then return to Elysian Hold.


With the seal in hand, we must return to Bastion.

Alwin has received his justice. He has bequeathed the seal to our care.

Let us say our goodbyes at the Sanctuary of the Mad, then head home.

I look forward to returning to the blue skies and open fields of Bastion.


You will receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 950 XP


You return! With good news, I hope?


Concern about Kalisthene's report... but not my problem! Seal should work perfectly.


On accept:

Kleia says: I will meet you at the Sanctuary of the Mad, <name>. Let us get Pelagos and go home.

Get back there on foot. Speak with the Curator:

I see you sided with the kyrian. Dissapointing, but I cannot say I'm surprised.
You always seemed quite whimsical!
Gossip We have retrieved the seal and are returning to Bastion.
The Curator says: That is wonderful news indeed! I am sure your kyrian will be quite pleased. I must admit, I am sad to see you go.
Pelagos says: I have learned much from you Curator. I believe there are many similarities in our ways and the venthyr's. We all must face our pasts.
The Curator says: It seems we have all learned something in this endeavor, Pelagos. Indeed, nobody can run forever.
Kleia says: Thank you all, once again. Come, brother. Let us return home.
Pelagos and Kleia channel Elysian Recall, hearthing home.

Get back to Elysian Hold in whatever manner is convenient, as there's no quest shortcut, as usual.

At the Crest of Ascension:

Speak with Kalisthene:

Kalisthene says: Polemarch. Maw Walker. I have something you need to see.
One of my scouts brought back intelligence on Lysonia's movements.
Gossip Let's see it, then.
She shows a vision of Uther and Lysonia.
Uther says: The Archon's faithful work to rebuild the Crest of Ascension, empowered by the other covenants.
Lysonia says: Go, my Forsworn. Finish preparations. The new dawn must rise soon.
Polemarch Adrestes says: I shall inform the Archon.


  1. N [60] Assistance from Sinfall
  2. N [60] Overhead Intelligence, N [60] Eyes of the Master, N [60] Gothic Fashion
  3. N [60] Collecting Dust, N [60] Shards of the Countess
  4. N [60] Through Glass
  5. N [60] Sins of the Past
  6. N [60] Land of Light
  7. N [60] Skulking in the Darkness, N [60] Light Respite, N [60] Actions Speak Louder than Words
  8. N [60] The Folly of Envy
  9. N [60] Parting Words
  10. N [60] The Seal of Contrition

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