The 1.14.0 client has been synchronized to be on the same baseline as patch 2.5.2
Global API[]
1.13.7 (39692) → PTR 1.14.0 (39958)
Added (385)
Removed (39)
Added (130)
Removed (33)
- AIProcessDebugger
- AuraDebugger
- autoDismountFlying
- autoDismount
- autoStand
- autoUnshift
- BehaviorTree
- cacaoBilateralSimilarityDistanceSigma
- Collision
- commentatorLossOfControlIconUnitFrame
- commentatorLossOfControlTextNameplate
- commentatorLossOfControlTextUnitFrame
- CursorCenteredYPos
- CursorFreelookCentering
- CursorFreelookStartDelta
- CursorStickyCentering
- D3D11
- D3D12
- DefragmentGPU
- doodadLodScale
- DriverVersionCheck
- dynamicLod
- enable
- engineSurveyPatch
- ffxLingeringVenari
- ffxVenari
- floatingCombatTextCombatHealing
- ForceAllowAero
- ForceResolutionDefaultToMaxSize
- fstack_showanchors
- fstack_showhidden
- fstack_showregions
- GamePadAbbreviatedBindingReverse
- GamePadAnalogMovement
- GamePadCameraLookMaxPitch
- GamePadCameraLookMaxYaw
- GamePadCameraPitchSpeed
- GamePadCameraYawSpeed
- GamePadCursorAutoDisableJump
- GamePadCursorAutoDisableSticks
- GamePadCursorAutoEnable
- GamePadCursorCenteredEmulation
- GamePadCursorCentering
- GamePadCursorForTargeting
- GamePadCursorLeftClick
- GamePadCursorOnLogin
- GamePadCursorPushCamera
- GamePadCursorRightClick
- GamePadCursorSpeedAccel
- GamePadCursorSpeedMax
- GamePadCursorSpeedStart
- GamePadEmulateAlt
- GamePadEmulateCtrl
- GamePadEmulateEsc
- GamePadEmulateShift
- GamePadEnable
- GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngleCombat
- GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngle
- GamePadListDevices
- GamePadSingleActiveID
- GamePadStickAxisButtons
- GamePadTankTurnSpeed
- GamePadTouchCursorEnable
- GamePadTurnWithCamera
- GetSwapChainSize
- GetWindowSize
- graphicsSpellDensity
- GxIsPrism
- GxLogFlush
- GxLogFullGPUInfo
- gxMTAlphaM2
- gxMTBeginDraw
- gxMTDisable
- gxMTOpaqueM2NoReflect
- gxMTOpaqueM2
- gxMTOpaqueWMO
- gxMTPrepass
- gxMTShadow
- gxMTTerrain
- GxPrismEnabled
- HardwareCursor
- HealHandler
- horizonClip
- lodObjectSizeScale
- MouseNoRepositioning
- MouseUseLazyRepositioning
- particulatesEnabled
- Pathing
- PhaseHistory
- PlayerSpawnTracking
- PreventOsIdleSleep
- RAIDdoodadLodScale
- raidGraphicsSpellDensity
- RAIDhorizonClip
- RAIDParticulatesEnabled
- RAIDshadowRt
- RAIDspellClutter
- RAIDTerrainLodDiv
- RAIDVolumeFog
- remoteTextToSpeechVoice
- remoteTextToSpeech
- ResampleAlwaysSharpen
- ResampleSharpness
- ResolvedSSAOType
- screenshotSizeOverride
- seenAADCAlert
- seenAlliedRaceUnlocks
- seenLevelSquishPopup
- SetGraphicsQualityRAID
- SetGraphicsQuality
- shadowRt
- SpawnRegion
- SpellCooldownDebugger
- SpellOverrides
- SpellTargeting
- SSAOType
- TakeScreenshot
- targetFPS
- teleportMaxNoLoadDist
- TerrainLodDiv
- ToggleWindowMode
- UpdateWindow
- videoOptionsVersionDefault
- vrsParticles
- vrsWorldGeo
- wmoPortalMinScreenSize
- worldEntityLinkMode
- worldPreloadNonCriticalTimeout
- worldViewCullMaxJobs
- AppendLogToFile
- bgcolor
- consolelines
- default
- doodadLodDist
- DumpSoundKits
- font
- graphicsTextureFiltering
- gxFixLag
- GxToggleWindowMode
- gxTripleBuffer
- highlightcolor
- linecount
- lodTerrainDiv
- M2UseLOD
- mtParticles
- perf
- proportionaltext
- raidGraphicsTextureFiltering
- raidOrBattleCount
- RAIDtextureFilteringMode
- rawMouseValidationMultiplier
- ResetChallengeMode
- settings
- spacing
- SSAOBlur
- SSAODistance
- terrainAlphaBitDepth
- terrainHoles
- textureErrorColors
- useNewConsole
- worldPoolUsage