- acknowledgedArrowCalloutsacknowledgedArrowCallouts (Game)
Default: 0 , Scope: Character Bit field of Looking for guild player settings
- dnMTUpdatednMTUpdate (Graphics)
Default: 1 Update Daynight in parralel.
- EnableAirlockLoggingEnableAirlockLogging (Game)
Default: 0 If 1, enables airlock logging, which will print out the various steps as they happen so that timing can be done.
- excludedCensorSourcesexcludedCensorSources (Game)
Default: 1 , Scope: Account Inappropriate message source exemptions. 0 = Exempt nobody, 1 = Exempt Friends, 3 = Exempt Friends and Guildmates, 255 = Exempt All
- friendInvitesCollapsed_WowLabsfriendInvitesCollapsed_WowLabs (Game)
Default: 0 The info for pending invites has been shown
- frontendMatchingModes_WowLabsfrontendMatchingModes_WowLabs (Game)
Default: 1 0=All,1=DuoOnly,2=TrioOnly,3=DuoAndTrio
- guildAnnounceMemberDeathsguildAnnounceMemberDeaths (Game)
Default: 1 , Scope: Character Announce deaths of guild members
- GxFrameEndModeGxFrameEndMode (Graphics)
Default: 0 Allow GxFrameEnd to overlap next frame (0=Disabled, 1=Safe, 2=Experimental)
- locateViewerMaxJobslocateViewerMaxJobs (Graphics)
Default: 32 Maximum job threads for LocateViewer
- NamePlateClassificationScaleNamePlateClassificationScale (Game)
Default: 1.0 , Scope: Character Applied to the classification icon for nameplates.
- partyInvitesCollapsed_WowLabspartyInvitesCollapsed_WowLabs (Game)
Default: 0 The info for pending invites has been shown
- pendingInviteInfoShown_WowLabspendingInviteInfoShown_WowLabs (Game)
Default: 0 The info for pending invites has been shown
- RAIDshadowBlendCascadesRAIDshadowBlendCascades (Graphics)
Default: 0 Blend between shadow cascades (0/1)
- shadowBlendCascadesshadowBlendCascades (Graphics)
Default: 0 Blend between shadow cascades (0/1)
- softTargettingInteractKeySoundsoftTargettingInteractKeySound (Game)
Default: 0 , Scope: Account Setting for soft targeting that enables sound cues
- TargetAutoLockTargetAutoLock (Game)
Default: 1 , Scope: Character Lock targets auto-set by the game
- vrsValarEnvLumavrsValarEnvLuma (Graphics)
Default: 0.05 Env. Luma for VALAR
- vrsValarKvrsValarK (Graphics)
Default: 2.13 Quarter Rate Sensitivity (K) for VALAR
- vrsValarSensitivityThresholdvrsValarSensitivityThreshold (Graphics)
Default: 0.31 Sensitivity Threshold for VALAR
- vrsValarUseAsyncComputevrsValarUseAsyncCompute (Graphics)
Default: 0 Use async compute for VALAR
- vrsValarUseMotionVectorsvrsValarUseMotionVectors (Graphics)
Default: 0 Use motion vectors for VALAR
- vrsValarUseWeberFechnervrsValarUseWeberFechner (Graphics)
Default: 0 Use Weber-Fechner Algo for VALAR
- vrsValarWeberFechnerConstantvrsValarWeberFechnerConstant (Graphics)
Default: 1.0 Weber-Fechner Constant for VALAR
- vrsValarvrsValar (Graphics)
Default: 0 Generate a shading rate mask based on velocity and luminance. Requires VRS Tier 2.
- WalkableSurfacesValidationLogWalkableSurfacesValidationLog
Default: 0
- worldIntersectMaxJobsworldIntersectMaxJobs (Graphics)
Default: 32 Maximum job threads for culling
- DynamicVRSSensitivityThresholdDynamicVRSSensitivityThreshold (Graphics)
Default: 0 Enable dynamic sensitivity threshold based on target FPS for VRS
- enableTwitterenableTwitter (Game)
Default: 0 , Scope: Account Whether Twitter integration is enabled
- seenTBCInfoPaneseenTBCInfoPane (Game)
Default: 0 Whether or not the user has seen the TBC Info Pane at least once.
- showUnactivatedCharactersshowUnactivatedCharacters (Game)
Default: 1 Show unactivated characters on Character Select.
- TargetPriorityValueBankTargetPriorityValueBank (Game)
Default: 1 Selects the active targeting values bank for calculating target priority order
- twitterCharactersPerMediatwitterCharactersPerMedia (Game)
Default: 23 Number of characters needed when attaching media to a Twitter post
- twitterGetConfigTimetwitterGetConfigTime (Game)
Default: 0 Last time that we got Twitter configuration data successfully
- twitterShortUrlLengthHttpstwitterShortUrlLengthHttps (Game)
Default: 23 Number of characters that https URLS get shortened to
- twitterShortUrlLengthtwitterShortUrlLength (Game)
Default: 22 Number of characters that non-https URLS get shortened to