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Not to be confused with Pathstalker Rislar.
AlliancePathstalker Ralsir
Image of Pathstalker Ralsir
Title <Rogue Trainer>
Gender Male
Race High elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silver Covenant
Location Silver Enclave, Dalaran Wrath-Logo-Small
Unknown Legion

Pathstalker Ralsir is a high elf rogue trainer located in the Silver Enclave in the mage city of Dalaran.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

He was present in the city when it relocated above Deadwind Pass but did not offer his training services as he had to remain alert for any danger to Dalaran's visitors.


Non-rogue gossip

We are but darkness and shadows. Eternal. Invisible.

Dalaran above Deadwind Pass
  • Sorry, <name>. Come back and see me when things have calmed.
  • I'm afraid I cannot help you right now, <name>. We have been asked to remain alert at all times.
  • Training will resume shortly, <name>. You have my word.
  • Be on your guard, <name>. We've been asked to put the safety of our visitors above all else until things settle down.
  • No need to worry, <name>. Training will continue. But for now, we must focus the matters at hand.
  • In due time, <name>. For now, we must remain vigilant.
  • I do wish I could assist you in your training, but now is not the time, <name>. My apologies.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Northrend Deadwind Pass