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NeutralPatricia Marshall
Image of Patricia Marshall
Title <Weaponsmith>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Argent Crusade
Location Eastwall Tower, Western Plaguelands
Status Alive

Patricia Marshall is an human weapon vendor located at the Eastwall Tower in the Eastern Plaguelands.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv sword 05 [Broadsword]
1g 97s 4c
Inv shield 06 [Crested Heater Shield]
3g 49s 4c
Inv sword 34 [Falchion]
4g 14s 70c
Inv shield 03 [Heavy Pavise]
1g 29s 28c
Inv spear 06 [Heavy Spear]
2g 17s 7c
Inv shield 06 [Kite Shield]
49s 46c
Inv shield 03 [Large Metal Shield]
27s 47c
Inv weapon shortblade 15 [Main Gauche]
1g 54s 69c
Inv shield 10 [Metal Buckler]
1g 4s 44c
Inv shield 10 [Ornate Buckler]
3g 1s 18c
Inv shield 10 [Reinforced Targe]
38s 56c
Inv shield 10 [Ringed Buckler]
19s 58c
Inv sword 31 [Rondel]
3g 63s 46c
Inv spear 05 [Short Spear]
81s 16c

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