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Inv recipe 70 scroll3star
  • Pattern: Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Use: Teaches you how to craft a Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense more efficiently.
  • 1px transparency
    • Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense
    • Use: Drop a flag onto the battlefield that decreases damage taken by 15% for all allies within 15 yards of its location. Lasts 30 sec.

      Not usable while in Raids, Dungeons, Rated Battlegrounds or Arenas. (1 Min Cooldown)
    • Sell Price: 1s
  • Tidespray Linen (15), Embroidered Deep Sea Satin (5), Nylon Thread (16)
  • Requires Level 10
  • Requires Kul Tiran Tailoring / Zandalari Tailoring (1)
  • Sell Price: 2g 25s

Pattern: Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense teaches players with tailoring to make Spell tailor defenceup01 [Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense]. Ranks 2 and 3 reduces the materials required.


Ranks 1 and 2 are taught by the Kul Tiran and Zandalari tailoring trainers, Alliance Daniel Brineweaver and Horde Pin'jin the Patient. Rank 3 of Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Pattern: Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense] is a reward for completing world quest B [50WQ] Work Order: Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense.

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