- Pattern: Contender's Dragonscale Chestguard
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Teaches you how to craft a Contender's Dragonscale Chestguard.
- Contender's Dragonscale Chestguard
- Season 12
- Item Level 39
- Binds when equipped
- Chest
- 12 Armor
- +4 Agility or Intellect
- +7 Stamina
- +5 Critical Strike
- +4 Mastery
- Contender's Dragonscale (1/5 pieces)
[Contender's Dragonscale Shoulders]
[Contender's Dragonscale Leggings]
[Contender's Dragonscale Helm]
[Contender's Dragonscale Gloves]
[Contender's Dragonscale Chestguard]
[Contender's Dragonscale Bracers]
[Contender's Dragonscale Boots]
[Contender's Dragonscale Belt]
- (2) Set: +400 PvP Resilience
(4) Set: +400 PvP Power - Durability 140 / 140
- Requires Level 35
- Sell Price: 11
- Prismatic Scale (20)
- Requires Pandaria Leatherworking (65)
Pattern: Contender's Dragonscale Chestguard is a pattern sold by the following vendors for 1 :
- Tanner Pang <Leatherworking & Skinning Supplies> in Shrine of Seven Stars
- Krogo Darkhide <Leatherworking & Skinning Supplies> in Shrine of Two Moons
- Sejo the Mender <Repairs> in Frostfire Ridge
- "Wrong Knick" <Repairs> in Frostfire Ridge
- Elder Surehide <Trade Goods> in Frostfire Ridge
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.