- Pattern: Pink Party Hat
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Teaches you how to make a Pink Party Hat.
- Pink Party Hat
- Cosmetic
- Binds when equipped
- Head
- Requires Level 48
- Sell Price: 7
- Shrouded Cloth (6), Penumbra Thread (2), Pink Dye (1)
- Requires Level 40
- Requires Shadowlands Tailoring (1)
- Sell Price: 2
Pattern: Pink Party Hat teaches how to create [Pink Party Hat].
Drops from[]
- Acrid Runoff
- Gelloh
- Compressed Plague
- Smoldering Creeper
- Blustery Boil
- Slime Giant
- Diseased Remnant
- Turbulent Juice
- Violet Mistake
- Colossal Plasma
- Infectious Monstrosity
- Green Slime
- Colossal Goo
- Animated Plague
- Prodigious Animate
- Burning Extract
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Added.