- Pattern: Unsettling Dredged Leather Leggings
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Teaches you how to craft Unsettling Dredged Leather Leggings.
- Unsettling Dredged Leather Leggings
- Item Level 95
- Binds when picked up
- Leather
- Legs
- 20 Armor
- +15 Agility or Intellect
- +22 Stamina
- Prismatic Socket
- Durability 55 / 55
- Sell Price: 79 53 60
- Dredged Leather (200), Tempest Hide (25), Calcified Bone (55), Expulsom (30)
- Requires Kul Tiran Leatherworking / Zandalari Leatherworking (165)
Pattern: Unsettling Dredged Leather Leggings teaches how to create [Unsettling Dredged Leather Leggings].
Drops from[]
- Brother Meller
- Deeplord Zrihj
- Depthcaller Velshen
- Instructor Teshal
- Corrupted Acolyte
- The Forgotten
- Marsha Stockton
- Portalkeeper Jin'tashal
- Corrupted Doomsayer
- Drowned Adherent
- Doomsayer Vathiris
- Acolyte of N'Zoth
- Actiss the Deceiver
- K'thir Thoughtstealer
- K'thir Darkspeaker
- K'thir Warlock
- Black Empire Thaumaturge
- Thoughtstealer Vos
- Executor of N'Zoth
- Black Empire Conjurer
- Black Empire Summoner
- Black Empire Beheader
- Black Empire Assassin
- Shadowsworn Acolyte
- Shadowsworn Disciple
- Tidal Corruptor
- Deepwater Summoner
- Drowned Zealot
- K'thir Doomsayer
Patch changes[]
- Patch 8.3.0 (2020-01-14): Added.