A pearl is a precious gem-like item that is usually found inside clams. Pearls are commonly used as ingredients in different professions, such as Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, or Tailoring. They may also be used as quest-related items, or simply vendor trash.
The [Iridescent Pearl] may be the most perfect of all pearls.[1]
Types of pearls[]
[Small Lustrous Pearl]
[Iridescent Pearl]
[Black Pearl]
[Blue Pearl] – Also used as an item in the quest
[37] Pearl Diving.
[Golden Pearl]
[Jaggal Pearl]
[Shadow Pearl]
[Northsea Pearl]
[Darkfathom Pearl]
[Flawless Pearl]
[Luminescent Pearl] – Used in the quest
[30-35] A Pearl of Wisdom.
[Mysterious Pearl] – Used in the quest
[30-35] Still Valuable.