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Inv phoenix2pet orange
Phoenix Wishwing

Phoenix Wishwing

Phoenix Wishwing is a baby phoenix companion.


This battle pet is a quest reward from the hidden quest, N [60] Tale of the Phoenix.

To unlock the quest and obtain the pet, the player will need to obtain the following items:

Follow these steps to obtain the items:

  1. Loot 10x Inv enchanting wod dust3 [Sacred Phoenix Ash] from Small Pile of Ash, found in Cooking pots in the Spires of Arak. There are ten known locations (with the map being available on the Small Pile of Ash page).
  2. Loot 20x Inv misc dust 02 [Inert Phoenix Ash], which drops from the Scorching Elementals and Living Blazes in the Fire Plume Ridge of Un'Goro Crater.
  3. Obtain the Inv ember [Glittering Phoenix Ember] from Alysrazor in the Timewalking difficulty of Firelands. This will require the Cataclysm Timewalking event to be active. The entire raid will be given the item upon defeat.
  4. After obtaining the three items, go to Zektar in Spires of Arak[52.09, 50.48]VZ-Spires of ArakBlip and trade them for the Inv mount darkphoenixspectral [Phoenix Ash Talisman].
  5. Loot 20x Inv icon feather06a [Ash Feather]. To see these feathers, purchase the Inv jewelry amulet 05 [Ash Feather Amulet] from Griftah at the Obsidian Throne in the Waking Shores. Using the amulet will let you periodically see the Ash Feather on the ground that can be looted.
  6. Loot 15x Inv misc ashenpigment [Smoldering Phoenix Ash] which can be looted from Phoenix mobs throughout the Dragon Isles or Dragonflight dungeons such as Neltharus.
  7. After obtaining the required items needed, go to Tarjin the Blind in the Waking Shores[16.16, 62.62]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip and he will now offer the quest that rewards the pet.

Pet Journal[]

Some think this creature is smoldering because it is on fire. In truth it's because of its burning gaze.

magic Magic: Cannot be dealt more than 35% of their maximum health in one attack.
Battlebar-abilitybadge-strong +50% damage from Dragonkin Battlebar-abilitybadge-weak -33% damage from Aquatic
Level 1 Level 2 Level 4
Peticon-elemental Inv elemental mote fire01 [Burn] Peticon-elemental Ability mage hotstreak [Cauterize] Peticon-elemental Spell fire soulburn [Conflagrate]
▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼
Peticon-flying Inv feather 11 [Quills] Peticon-elemental Spell fire immolation [Immolate] Peticon-dragon Spell fire fireball [Flame Breath]
Level 10 Level 15 Level 20

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Item Battle pet