Pick Pocket | |
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Properties | |
Class | Rogue |
School | Physical |
Cooldown | 0.5 seconds |
Other information | |
Level learned | 24 |
- "It's not like you really need that gold."[1]

Pick Pocket is a rogue ability that allows a rogue to pilfer money and/or items from a mob's pockets while stealthed.
Typically the rogue will be able to pilfer a small item such as a potion, gem, junkbox, various junk items and a small amount of money. Although multiple attempts on a given mob are possible, only the initial (successful) attempt will yield any results.
Junkboxes themselves may contain some healing potions, vendor trash, gems, and poisons and epic items such as [Spinesever]. Poisons do not start to appear until you start pickpocketing level 30 mobs.
The rogue must be stealthed and within 10 yards of their target to use this skill. If it is successful, a loot box will appear, allowing them to choose which items to take; typically, this is a handful of coins, with a small chance of odd monster-specific items or gems. If the skill is resisted, the monster immediately detects the rogue and attacks. Failure rates depend on relative levels, but the base failure rate seems to be around 5%.
Many monsters have no pockets, and thus cannot be pickpocketed. Typically humanoid types will have pockets and beasts won't, but there are numerous exceptions. If a rogue attempts to pickpocket a monster who doesn't have pockets, the monster does not aggro. Enemy players cannot be pickpocketed.
The items received from picking pockets are not subject to group looting rules, so you always get all the items and 100% of the money. The money and items picked up with this ability are extras, in addition to the monster's normal loot when it is killed, so a rogue picking pockets is not depriving his companions of loot. Each monster has only a few items in their pockets when he spawns; if one rogue goes through an area, picking all the monsters' pockets but killing none of the monsters, then the next rogue through the area may find that all the monsters' pockets are empty. Monster pocket loot does get refilled eventually, even if they are never killed. The loot respawn rate seems similar to that of the monsters themselves.
- As with any other
[Stealth]-based skill, you need to sneak up to a mob to get in range undetected; you should attempt to sneak up behind them in order to avoid being detected, but the ability can actually be used in front of the mob if your stealth is still active. Regular use can yield a moderate amount of items and cash. Using
[Distract] is very helpful.
- Sapping an enemy before pickpocketing them renders you immune to their aggro as long as you get out of their aggro radius once they resist. However, nearby allies will notice your stealth break and attack you.
- Certain rogue quests require use of this skill to obtain items. As the loot table and pickpocket tables are separate, pickpocketing is absolutely essential for completing these quests.
- Especially when the pickpocketing is part of a quest, it is usually considered good manners to kill a mob after pickpocketing. This resets the pickpocket loot table when the mob respawns, allowing other rogues the chance to pickpocket as well.
- If auto-loot is enabled, this ability will be instant, and allow you a quicker response time.
Pick Pocket is a rare rogue spell in the The Witchwood expansion for Hearthstone. The flavor text reads: "He'll pick anyone's pocket, except a gnome's. He'd never stoop so low."
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Now learned at level 24 (was 13).
Patch 7.1.5 (2017-01-10): Range increased to 10 yards (was 5 yards).
Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Now learned at level 13 (was 16).
Hotfix (2016-08-16): Fixed an issue where using Pick Pocket could cause you to enter combat.
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Now learned at level 16 (was 15).
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now learned at level 15 (was 7).
Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Now learned at level 7 (was 4).
Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Auto-Loot now works with Pick Pocket.
Patch 1.12.0 (2006-08-22): Can now be used on targets that are in combat, as long as the rogue remains stealthed.
Patch 1.11.0 (2006-06-19): This ability will no longer trigger effects on your target.
Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Very high-end gems will no longer be acquired from junk boxes or pickpocketing.
Patch 1.1.0 (2004-11-07): Removed facing requirement.
Patch 0.7 (2004-06-15): No longer deselects the target after use.
See also[]
- Pick Pocket, TCG card
External links[]