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NeutralPlaguefall: Knee Deep In It
Start Vial Master Lurgy [59.4, 73.0]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
End Vial Master Lurgy [59.4, 73.0]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Level 53-60
Type Dungeon (5)
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 14,450
Reputation +135 The Undying Army
Rewards Inv shoulder plate oribosquesting b 01 [Cruel Executioner's Pauldrons]
or Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 shoulder [Flesh Architect's Epaulets]
or Inv shoulder leather oribosquesting b 01 [Deceitful Agent's Shoulderpads]
or Inv shoulder cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Corpse-Stitcher's Amice]
109g 51s 20c
Previous N [53-60] Fit For a Margrave


Enter Plaguefall and recover 12 Poxedskin Samples and Margrave Stradama's Plasm.


There are many in the House of Plagues who survived its destruction only to later fall victim to the plagues released in the explosion. Margrave Stradama herself was driven mad from a mixture of twelve different airborne poxes!

These dangers still remain and spread out from the ruins, infecting new victims daily.

I need you to travel into the ruins and recover samples from the victims there.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shoulder plate oribosquesting b 01 [Cruel Executioner's Pauldrons] Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 shoulder [Flesh Architect's Epaulets]
Inv shoulder leather oribosquesting b 01 [Deceitful Agent's Shoulderpads] Inv shoulder cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Corpse-Stitcher's Amice]

You will also receive:


Have you brought me the Poxedskin Samples?


Working together will benefit both of us greatly!


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.
Beta rewards

Inv chest plate oribosquesting b 01 [Cruel Executioner's Breastplate], Inv chest oribosquesting b 01 [Deceitful Agent's Tunic], Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 chest [Flesh Architect's Hauberk] or Inv robe cloth oribosquesting b 01 [Corpse-Stitcher's Raiment].


  1. N [53-60] The House of Plagues
  2. N [53-60] Bug Bites and N [53-60] Spores Galore
  3. N [53-60] Slime, Anyone?
  4. N [53-60] Hazardous Waste Collection, N [53-60] Plague is Thicker Than Water, and N [53-60] Applied Science
  5. N [53-60] By Any Other Name
    • Optional weekly unlocks:
    1. N [53-60] A Plague on Your House
    2. N [53-60W] Pool of Potions
    3. N [53-60W] Callous Concoctions
  6. N [53-60] Fit For a Margrave
  7. N [53-60] Fathomless Power
    • Optional breadcrumb: N [53-60D] Plaguefall: Knee Deep In It

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