- Plagueheart Leggings
- Item Level 88
- Binds when picked up
- Cloth
- Legs
- 263 Armor
- +32 Intellect
- +51 Stamina
- +14 Critical Strike
- +10 Spell Penetration
- Plagueheart Raiment (1/9 pieces)
[Plagueheart Bindings]
[Plagueheart Gloves]
[Plagueheart Shoulderpads]
[Plagueheart Leggings]
[Plagueheart Belt]
[Plagueheart Circlet]
[Plagueheart Ring]
[Plagueheart Robe]
[Plagueheart Sandals]
- (2) Set: Your Shadow Bolts now have a chance to heal you for 270 to 330.
(4) Set: Increases damage caused by your Corruption by 12%.
(6) Set: Your spell critical hits generate 25% less threat. In addition, Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony, and Siphon Life generate 25% less threat.
(8) Set: Reduces health cost of your Life Tap by 12%. - Durability 120 / 120
- Requires Level 60
- Sell Price: 3
Plagueheart Leggings are leg armor for warlocks. They are part of the Plagueheart Raiment armor set.
The leggings are a quest reward from
[60R] Plagueheart Leggings, crafted by a vendor from the
[Desecrated Leggings], an item which drops from Loatheb who currently resides in Naxxramas.
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now available via the Black Market Auction House.
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Removed.
Patch 1.11.0 (2006-06-19): Added.